Tuesday 19 July 2011

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  • davidcmc
    Mar 22, 07:08 PM
    This is one reason why Microsoft Office requires more and more RAM and CPU every time a new version is released.

    Microsoft Office 2007 (Windows) and 2011 (Mac) are not slow.
    They may be slow in your super �ber Mac from which uses the super �ber Core 2 Duo, but it's certainly not in my sister's Core i3 notebook.

    Your machine is outdated. I hope you're not using it as a reference to judge Microsoft Office performance.

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  • nagromme
    Aug 7, 03:21 PM
    Wow! :eek:

    It's amazing how Apple keeps managing BIG updates to OS X. They are moving forward so much more efficiently than Microsoft. Not just polishing little things, but big, useful things. Not to mention some fun ones to attract consumers. I hope the advanced Spotlight features include easy boolean searching.

    And now we can all wonder about those OTHER features Steve said they are concealing for now so Microsoft can't make a halfway copy (or attempt to) yet again.

    I'm surprised res-independent UI was not discussed, but Apple has already said (http://developer.apple.com/releasenotes/GraphicsImaging/ResolutionIndependentUI.html) that is coming, so maybe it's just not polished enough to bother showing yet. (Or maybe it's better to show when new displays come out? Today's new low prices on Cinema Displays might hint at new displays to come later.)

    I've been asking for that background-change effect in iChat for years! Adobe Premiere could do that in the 90s, though not in realtime. Too cool!

    Now one question... A new Front Row has been mentioned, but what will it have? PVR, tuner-ready for future Macs or peripherals? At first I also wondered about ["from across the room or across the house"... But I bet they're just talking about sharing iTunes or photos from another Mac, which is old news.

    PS, congrats to MR's servers for handling the load :)

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  • Timepass
    Jul 15, 10:57 AM
    I disagree. Using ATX power supplies is a stupid idea. I am sure Apple uses higher quality power supplies than you would pick up at your local CompUSA.

    If they allow this there will be a lot of dead Macs, from power supplies whose rails aren't strong enough.

    Not to mention those who buy the 400W model because it is only 20 bucks and drastically underpower there Mac.

    This would cause too many problems. Keep it proprietary IMO.

    Well I wouldnt worry about that in the case of a mac. Only people who are really going to replace there PSU are going to be people who know something about computers. A lot of people replace there ram. PSU are not upgraded very offen if ever at all.

    Also the people who do replace PSU most of them know dont cheap out on them. Among home builder comminty a thing most agree on is NEVER cheap out on a PSU. Go name brand. Reason being is why would you build a 1k system and then risk it all with a cheap PSU (rule can be cut if pretty much using dirt cheap parts to begin with and trying to go as cheaply as possible (less than 500 and in old spare parts). My own PC rig using an Antec True Power PSU in it (that i pick up from compUSA oddly enough).

    I think going ATX is a good thing because it means Apple is going to be using more standardized parts so it will be cheaper for apple to get them.

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  • djchristie
    Nov 29, 08:10 AM
    Surely if they want a cut of mp3 players they should also have a cut of:

    Hard drive sales in general (my computer has more music on thatn my iPod)
    Mobile phones that can play mp3's
    cd players and hifi's that play mp3 cd's
    any SD, memory stick, flash drive etc that could be used to store alleged stolen music.....

    the list goes on.

    Hope steve, and everyone else, tells them where to go.

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  • ThomasJL
    Mar 26, 09:07 AM
    I really want Lion, for the number one reason being TRIM support. I eagerly want to finally start using an SSD (specifically one from Crucial, since they make the fastest ones on the market), but have avoided doing so since the latest version Snow Leopard does not support TRIM.

    It's a shame Apple is waiting so long to finally include TRIM support. Windows 7 already includes it.

    I think I'll wait until 10.7.3 comes out before upgrading, though. If there are bugs in the TRIM implementation, I fear it may corrupt data.

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  • k995
    Apr 20, 05:56 PM
    No, it wasn't shown before the iPhone, the F700 had a different interface when it was shown.

    I am talking about lg prada among others if you bothered to read my post you would see that .

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  • Antares
    Sep 13, 11:55 AM
    and this got negative votes because...??????????


    One reason this is negative is because there were no performance numbers given.

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  • NJRonbo
    Jun 18, 07:32 AM
    There has been a lot of speculation that PIN
    numbers were given out as early as 7am that
    morning -- well in advance of the 12pm CST
    preorder start.

    If you read posts here on Mac Rumors you
    will see that claim is substantiated.

    Very unhappy with the way Radio Shack ran
    this entire preorder campaign.

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  • adamfilip
    Jul 14, 02:42 PM
    more importantly then dual optical is being able to support 4 hard drives then!

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  • bousozoku
    Nov 28, 10:16 PM
    I would assume that Microsoft agreed to pay Universal just because it could cause Apple problems, not because they felt any need to pay.

    Universal tried to sue Sony back in the 1970s over videocassette recorders. They were somewhat successful in scaring people from buying Sony VCRs, even though they weren't really successful in court.

    I can't see as how they'll be pushing Apple too far. It seems every day, Universal and its subsidiaries lose ground to competitors.

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  • aly
    Aug 27, 01:38 PM
    Just a few hours left, let's hope we see new MacBook Pros tomorrow, I think we'll see the new iMacs with Merom in Paris, because it's a very good announcement for consumers, and get the Pro MB's tomorrow.

    As in Paris Expo? Cause I do believe that apple aren't going to be making a keynote speech. And won't make any annoucements at all or am I still believing in old news proved wrong?

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  • tortoise
    Aug 7, 09:14 PM
    Lots of ways it COULD be implemented. Looks at Suns new file system ZFS. It is basically "Copy on Write". With a file system you can do things even fancier then with a DBMS. For example a "block" (i-node) exists physicaly on the disk only once but it could be maped into any numbr of files. If a file in only an orderd set of block numbers then to copy a copy all you need to copy is the set of numbers which is on the order of 1000 times shorter then the data itself.

    Ahem, a modern relational database system can do everything a file system can. In fact, they are both databases, but optimized for different tasks and slightly different semantics. The same behaviors can be achieved with both; it is a matter of design bias, not capability. File systems like ZFS actually converge on normal MVCC database behavior, which durably journals all writes but with more flexibility with respect to atomicity and version cleanup than a file system. File system semantics, even versioning ones, are more primitive and less capable than database ones, but with substantially increased performance over what would be possible from an MVCC database for the same task.

    Same theory, different optimizations. The balancing act has always been between the power fully ACID-compliant MVCC semantics and the basic speed of simple file system semantics. Apple and Sun are burning some excess performance capacity to deliver features that are closer to the database ideal.

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  • theOtherGeoff
    Mar 22, 04:29 PM
    So what is next year the year of? Phones again let me guess

    It will be the Year of Me.

    MobileMe... renamed to be just 'me' Me on the web... Me on my iPad... Me on my iPhone... me on my mac... me on facebook.... me on ATV me on iTunes... Me on steroids.... me on the moon... Me... ME... ME!!!!!!!

    (Cue Jon Lovitz with an Apple commercial: "Get to know ME!")

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  • mediasorcerer
    Mar 31, 10:41 PM
    Whether they're right to start regulating or not, they're still shamless hypocrites. What happened to all the principles that they waved around in the air? Andy Rubin himself said that the "definition of open" was that anyone could download the Android source and do whatever they wanted to it. Now people have to kiss his ring?

    Google are the ones who waved the bloody shirt and shrieked about how Android-vs-the-iPhone was about freedom. Just because they're forced to backtrack now doesn't mean it's not blatant hypocrisy.

    it is hypocrisy,and its to be expected from google too,lets face it,they are the data miners right hand man,they went around stealing peoples wifi details recently,and were caught,what sort of a company does that i ask you?thieving personal info!!!!

    ive never heard of apple doing that.

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  • Labels: Las Vegas Casino

  • THX1139
    Aug 20, 03:45 AM
    Anyway I'm glad you guys aren't too angry with me cause this time forward is really going to be a power explosion on all personal computers and we all know here that OS X is the only way to fly with the new hardware. Once we get Leopard on board and the remainder of all the pro aplications go UB and MultiCore Optimized, 2007 forward are going to be amazing times for creativity with little to no waiting for any processes to get done. :) Whoopie!

    Yeah, now all we have to do is be able to afford it. Wonder what the price point on tigerton or clovertown is going to be. Probably way more coin than I have! How is it going to be possible for Apple or any other vendor to utilize those mega multi-core processers and keep the systems affordable for the common man? They are going to need a middle ground machine more than ever! Not every professional is going to need more than 4 cores let alone be willing to pay for it. I think the more processors, the more specialized the computer is going to become.

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  • DocNo
    Apr 11, 10:06 AM
    I still think tape cameras are the best in quality, but the practicality of recording on a card or a hard drive will soon beat that.

    I think Apple's timing with tomorrow is perfect for them to capitalize on this. If you watched the first two clips, the panelists talked about the lack of real standards for data and more importantly meta-data for file based workflows. They also referenced the only factory in the world that produces the most commonly used tape in pro workflow as being wiped out by the Tsunami in Japan - if Apple follows up with a new standard for file based workflow (which I fully expect them to do - skating to where the puck will be - it's a no brainer) and with Thunderbolt and a few manufacturers ready to capitalize it, I think you could see a dramatic shift in workflow since the tape situation will get dire for many. As one of the panelists pointed out, people aren't going to stop creating content just because they can't get more tape.

    This might be the external catalyst that causes a dramatic shift. They are rare, but they do happen and events certainly seem to be lining up!

    (I can't wait for the eventual conspiracy theorists that will no doubt claim SJ engineered the Tsunami in order to take advantage of it :rolleyes: )

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  • early days of Vegas casino

  • SeaFox
    Aug 26, 09:18 PM
    You're screwing up, intel. We don't want 300 trillion transistors on a 1 nm die. We want longer battery life. Idiots.

    Yes, and as someone has already pointed out, if the Core2 can do 20% better with the same power, can't you just throttle your new Core2 MBP down 20% and get a laptop with the same performance of your old one with 20% better battery life?

    Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees. :rolleyes:

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  • of Downtown Las Vegas Neon

  • Object-X
    Sep 19, 12:31 AM
    1. It's Merom. Not Memrom, Menron, Memron or even L. Ron.

    You forgot Mormon.

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  • Las Vegas Hotels Strip

  • rezenclowd3
    Nov 25, 01:18 PM

    Just found out...the gamesave is locked. Fudge....

    One can make a system backup, but I would like to move my save about. Ugh..

    Another note, redeeming my Gamestop code only netted me the Nascar car, not the stealth Mclaren, which is the ENTIRE reason I purchased the Collectors Edition. Others are reporting the same issue. BTW it DID download, its just not in the dealership.

    Anyone see where the Red Bull prototype car is in the game?

    Apr 12, 11:03 PM
    The sheer amount of people posting here, saying they're moving from iPhone if the new model is delayed significantly is quite telling really.

    We're a community that thrives on tech news, but the average joe doesn't care and if his/her contract is up dior renewal between June and the release date and there's no new iPhone to fill that void, chances are they AREN'T going to hang around for iPhone 5.

    I've had iPhones on the 'odd numbered cycles' (ie. 1 and 3) and I really am thinking of switching. I don't want the hassle of having to wait 2/3/4/however many months. Call me fickle, or having no patience, but MY OPINION is that Apple just isn't keeping up with competition.

    As much as I like Apple products, I believe you have some very valid points. My iPhone 4 is a good phone, but its not Apples best work. Its well documented that the engineers discovered the antenna fault well in advance of launch, advised Steve Jobs and he waived it off, ignoring them. Its that cavalier attitude that will at some point come back and bite them.

    Yet Steve has cultivated a massive cadre of followers that will live in defense and denial, while worshipping his every move. They have closed their minds to anything outside of Apples walled garden. I can see how attractive they find it, simple and easy.

    That said the choices like Android are the very reason our free enterprise system works so well. If the Google OS was as bad as it's made out to be in this forum, I can assure you there would not be the thousands of posts about it, that appear in this forum.

    Viva Le Choice

    Aug 26, 05:44 PM
    Anyone know of benchmarks comparing the core duo with the core 2 duo?

    Apr 25, 03:04 PM
    ...if there is no apparent good in tracking personal data, one should object to it.

    I think thats the whole thing this boils down to. Apple doesn't track you, your phone does (course, so does everything else), but Apple enables this by default because they see apps being able to utilize Location Services as a feature that'll enhance the user experience.

    If they'd:

    Dec 7, 06:16 PM
    would those that have played this game reccomend getting it? or are there too many cons (standard cars, multiple versions of one car, bad AI in racing, bad physics in damage esp with standard, etc) that would lead to buyers remorse?

    Keep in mind, I have played quite abit of Forza, but now have a PS3 and want agood racing sim but just keep hearing bad things about this game (largely being an incomplete game)

    I'd say keep playing Forza 2 or 3 for now. Wait another 6mo-a year to pick up GT5 and its numerous proposed updates. As a game, Forza 2 and 3 are more complete packages, especially online.

    Apr 27, 08:41 AM
    I looked at the map from a recent road trip. It showed cell towers 50 miles off the route I was on--probably next towers over in case I headed that direction. It's the apple bashing trolls who are blowing this way out of proportion.

    No it's not.

    And I think MOST people aren't blowing anything out of proportion. Being concerned about tracking information/privacy issues is important. Most people (stop generalizing just because some on this board are) are NOT over-reacting but were calling for deeper investigation into the issue.

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