Liv Tyler Glows About Dad; Talks Religion, 'Hobbit' and That Overbite

Oh, to be Liv Tyler. She's gorgeous, has a career as eclectic as you can get in showbiz and her dad has somehow gotten famous-er at an age when most men his age are pumping the breaks.
The 33-year-old single mom (she and Royston Langdon split in 2008) stole hearts early in her career, beginning with 'Empire Records,' and has sprinkled monster blockbusters ('Lord of the Rings') with smaller
fare ('Cookie's Fortune') ever since. She's been on a break since 2008's 'The Incredible Hulk' but is back in 'The Ledge,' a new thriller involving a tricky love triangle and deep theological questions. The soft-spoken star
tried her best to outline the complicated film in a chat with PopEater (she passed with flying colors) and whether a born-again Christian character will rub religious folks the wrong way (she doesn't think so).
We touched on 'The Hobbit,' her adorable overbite, and the career boost her dad, Steven Tyler, is enjoying due to 'American Idol.'
"Friends, friends' mothers, kids, all different people come up to me pretty much everyday to say, 'Oh we love your Dad. He's so special and beautiful,'" she tells PopEater. "There's a real feeling of love which I think is incredible and quite powerful. I really just feel very proud of him."
Are you going to be in 'The Hobbit?'
I'm definitely not in 'The Hobbit' and I actually don't know anything about it. I realized I need to call my friends in New Zealand to ask them what's going on so I have some facts when I get asked questions about it.
Do you desperately wish you were in it?
Kind of secretly, maybe desperate is the wrong word to use. I would love to go back there and bring my son to New Zealand and see all those amazing people. It was such a magical experience.
'The Ledge' is sort of a difficult movie to describe.
It is, I just had to go on 'The View' and they were asking me to describe it and I was struggling with it and then I had no idea what I said because I black out when I go on those shows. I play a woman who had problems with drugs and prostitution and she meets Patrick Wilson's character and they get married.
He is a born-again evangelical Christian. He basically saves her life and then she meets a man played by Charlie Hunnam and they have an affair and he's an atheist. It's a thriller.
Did the movie make you examine your religious beliefs?
I feel quite strongly in my own personal ... I wouldn't say religion because I'm not a religious person but I consider myself a spiritual person. I definitely have some kind of belief in something bigger than myself.
I almost feel like it's the universe and the earth and mother nature and that feeling when you go to the beach or stand on top of a mountain and look around and go, 'God this is not about me.'
I feel quite clear about that in my own heart. I'm definitely curious and enjoy talking to different people about their beliefs.
I grew up around so many different types of people, political, religious, in my lifetime so I'm quite used to overhearing those conversations.
Some people say the movie is critical of born-agains.
I don't think that's what it's about at all. The message I got from making this film, that the world especially now with the Internet,
we're so quick to judge people based on their clothing, sexual preference, religion, food they like.
I guess I came to realize from this is that you really don't know what people have been through unless you find out.
Can we please talk about your Dad? He's like a phoenix.
Oh, that's such a sweet way to put it. It's pretty amazing that in this time in his life he's doing something so new and different.
And America fell in love with him all over again!
It really feels like that. Friends, friends' mothers, kids, all different people come up to me pretty much everyday to say,
'Oh we love your Dad. He's so special and beautiful.'
There's a real feeling of love which I think is incredible and quite powerful. I really just feel very proud of him.
Ever borrow his clothes?
I definitely do and he borrows mine! He steals my clothes sometimes.
My favorite thing that I took from him is not a leopard thong!
It's a winter jacket that I love with a fluffy hood.
You have an adorable overbite.
When did you notice that?
Today on 'The View.'
Oh no!
Oh please it's adorable.
Was I like (Tyler makes snorting noise like a horse)?
Not at all. I can't believe you're feeling insecure. You're gorgeous.
Thanks, that's the funniest thing because I definitely have an overbite. I sucked my thumb so my grandmother took me to get hypnotized when I was seven because I wouldn't take my thumb out of my mouth. I think that's why I have such an overbite. It makes me lisp on occasion. I did have braces.
Do you still model?
I do quite a bit because I have a contract with Givenchy for perfume and cosmetics. We do a lot of print ads and commercials.
Do you have a big stash of lipsticks?
Definitely. I have a big closet filled with extra stuff. I like to give things away.

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