Tuesday 12 April 2011

Gwyneth Paltrow Feet - I'm not an icy blonde

She may play her share of serious roles on the big screen, but "Glee's" fun-loving substitute teacher Holly Holiday is much more true to her real self, Gwyneth Paltrow says.

"I've got this ice-blonde reputation and that's just not me," the Oscar winner tells Ladies' Home Journal of the public's perception that she's uptight. "I do silly things in public all the time, like hosting 'Saturday Night Live,' or I'll go out with friends and have a good time. I try to live my life to the fullest even if it means making a fool of myself."

She also eats to the fullest. Paltrow, whose cookbook "My Father's Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family & Togetherness," arrives in stores April 13, says it's not just life she has a huge appetite for.


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