Wednesday 11 May 2011

sin cara wrestler wwe

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  • Cygnus311
    Aug 27, 12:04 PM
    Because, just as there are Mac fanboys, there are also Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony fanboys. As much as we'd like to think our platform of choice is clearly the best, in all actually, each one has something unique to offer that the other may lack.

    But that doesn't make Nintendo (or Microsoft or Sony) suck. Fanboys just make themselves suck by being fanboys. :)

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  • IceMacMac
    Apr 7, 04:38 AM
    Everything depends on your work and needs right? For me...I'm short format and tweak every frame.

    In terms of full disclosure I own FCP 4 suite and CS 5 master suite and own all the major Apple products (hardware and software). I also run Windows 7 in bootcamp.

    Short format work is all about After Effects. Motion is 5 years behind and offers an incomplete feature set in comparison. After Effects marries up well with the tools from big 3d players, like Maxon and C4D. Its a great pipeline.

    I'll watch with interest the announcements next week, but the release of an "iMovie Pro" won't interest me...and it seems like that's where Apple is headed. They now are fixated on Consumers Lite and Consumers Plus.

    Apple is also doing everything to push me away from it's platform, with it's anti-Flash crusade, and it's complete inability to support Any (I mean ANY of the top 5-7) professional GPUs.

    For the serious Pro Apple is living on borrowed time and the Steve Jobs reality-distortion field is weakening. Redmond is calling. Increasingly serious content professionals are listening. I never imagined these words coming from my mouth. But it's the truth.

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 20, 11:18 AM
    The Galaxy S phone with the closest and most striking resemblance to the iPhone is easily the international i9000 version.

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  • Old Smuggler
    Nov 29, 05:26 AM
    i think this would be even more incentive for apple to roll out the video ipod so it would be marketed as a video player and not a music player
    thus evading the fees

    on a side note whos not to say that every one has record labels on their ipod some may use it as an external harddrive or musicians may have their own homemade songs on it

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  • NATO
    Nov 28, 06:18 PM
    I think they'll be a long way off getting money from every iPod sold. For a start its such an illogical thing to ask for (Did the music companies ask for money for every CD player or Tape Recorder sold? Nope), plus I suspect the main reason that Microsoft agreed to pay money in the first place is that they needed to get the music labels on board to boost the Zune Music Store, Microsoft was in the weaker position here and I believe the labels exploited that weakness.

    If the labels were to go to Apple and demand a royalty on every iPod and threatening to pull their catalogue if they didn't get it, they would actually come off worse than Apple in terms of lost revenue and it's because of this I reckon they haven't a chance...

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  • spillproof
    Mar 22, 01:51 PM
    Now it has become a battle of who will get my $500 bucks.

    Let the games begin! *grabs popcorn and soda*

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  • xsnightclub
    Aug 6, 04:34 PM
    Mike - I'm sure Apple had their IP counsel do a IP search prior to deciding on any names and filing for registration. That is the first and most basic step and is not going going to escape the experienced folks at whatever large firm Apple is using for IP these days. A TM approval from the USPTO doesn't take long at all, 10 to 18 months. Are you operating under the impression that Apple's registration hasn't already been approved? Did you protest the trademark during the time provided for the filing of protests during the trademark registration process? If you've registered mac-pro in the past, did you follow all the guidelines (e.g. providing notice that you were using the term within 6 months of your approval to the USPTO or request a six month extension with USPTO, etc.) have you renewed the registration? If you did file, had it approved, provided the notices of use to the the USPTO, and protested and lost on Apple's application, a bid for a TRO will be interesting as - assuming that last list of events - there are no rights being infringed. Of course, I'm not an IP att'y and there's a long list of assumptions here, and I'm sure if you did have an issue, a post on the MR forum wouldn't be your means of pursuing it.

    I think the only assumption that matters with this matter, is that the poster actually is who he says he is. Which is highly doubtful.
    This information is all easily found under corporate registration searches and USPTO filings.
    This all seems like a child trying to copy the Tiger Direct fiasco.

    Anyway, Bring on the new Mac Pros!

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  • fivepoint
    Apr 28, 09:50 AM
    Imagine that, three responses which utterly fail to refute let alone dispute my clear and truthful argument. Instead, they leave snide remarks. No substance WHATSOEVER. :)

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  • digitalbiker
    Aug 25, 09:03 PM
    Ask me, phone support has been pretty lousy for years (at least since 1996 or whenever they instituted the stupid 90-day support rule that doesn't mirror the 1 year warranty.)

    After reading through this thread, doesn't it concern everyone that so many of us have dealt with customer support over the past couple years.

    What ever happened to quality control? I am not sure I have ever bought one Apple product since 1996 that I didn't end up calling Apple Customer support because something was wrong.

    I remember buying a lot of computers, Apple II's, original macs, Commodore 64's, Amigas, Dells, etc. that never once required a phone call. Now everything I buy from Apple breaks or needs a repair prior to it's warranty running out. I have also had two machines and an ipod go completely bad after the warranty expired.

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 19, 11:59 AM
    You know, Sony and Nintendo are just *SO* behind the curve with next gen gaming systems.

    Microsoft has had it's XBox 360 out for MONTHS, while Sony and Nintendo gamers are lagging behind, barely able to function on their PS2s and GameCubes.

    If Sony and Nintendo don't release the PS3 and Wii, respectively, in the next week, they'll be the laughing stocks of the industry. There's no excuse for them to release their next gen gaming systems a year after their competitor.

    I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue if I don't get what I want, because I'm childish like that.

    There's a difference between simply dropping the same chip into a computer that everyone else is using, and creating groud-up proprietary hardware designed to run proprietary software. IMO, the video game business isn't a good analogy.

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  • CaoCao
    Feb 28, 08:25 PM
    It matters that you describe it as fornication.

    What has this dubious claim to do with anything? :confused:
    No it doesn't, not when people brag about how much they sleep around

    Your link supports the idea that Greek society supported pederasty. If they have such a failing what is to say they don't have other failings
    He's trying to equate in our minds homosexuality, rape, and pedophilia.

    rape and paedophilia both involve lack of consent. Although paedophilia has to do with that the mind is attracted to pre-pubescent children in the same way that homosexuality causes attraction to the same sex. Both cases are untreatable.

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  • solvs
    Aug 27, 12:37 AM
    That $100 million that Apple just wasted on Creative could have meant new supercooled mobile G5's if it would have been pumped into IBM (
    Ha! $100 million wouldn't come close to even paying for 1 factory to be built, let alone continued costs. I would have loved more PPC machines, but it is what it is, and the new Intel chips are pretty good. At least better than the crappy P4s they're replacing. The G4/5s could have been great, but IBM and Moto/Freescale dropped the ball, and would have continued to do so unless Apple spent somewhere more in the billions, not millions. Maybe not even then. It sucks that quality has gone down as costs have, but such is the nature of the beast. Hopefully something comes of all the complaints, and Apple can get it's act together as well as further find a way to drive down costs without becoming like Dell. I just had to deal with Dell support, and let me tell you, it was not fun.

    And for the record, they've been using the same somewhat standard PC parts for awhile now, minus their proprietary chipsets, which BTW are still proprietary.

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  • Pared
    Apr 6, 02:01 PM
    No need to take shots at the Xoom - it's actually nice little device.

    Doesn't have the best polish software-wise... but to act like it is THAT far off from the iPad2 is lunacy.

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  • MacRumors
    Mar 22, 12:43 PM (

    With Apple's iPad 2 having been on sale in the U.S. for a week and half already and set to launch in 25 new countries ( on Friday, other companies are continuing to ramp up their efforts as they seek to bring competitive tablets to the market.

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  • Swift
    Mar 26, 10:10 PM
    This is too fast a release. The copy I got my hands on did seem to be very polished, but there's got to be a time for the devs to find unexpected bugs, and then there's the presumed surprise near the end... some killer appearance and/or feature. Where's Quicktime X as a truly functioning replacement for Quicktime 7? And then, when everything's near gold master, it needs to be looked over by the bigger software developers, to make final adjustments to major upgrades.

    I think Lion will get attention, but no release until late summer. iOS 5 will be announced with the announcement of the iPhone 5. Out in July.

    The Oracle Saith.

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 21, 06:24 PM
    That doesnt really make sense though, because in GT4 cars had interiors (even if generic seats) as you can see in this stupidly large screenshot:

    So Polyphony took the gt4 models, removed the interior, then pasted them into Gt5?
    You must have missed the part where I said....
    Can you see in the windows? If so, then it is a Premium� car with a fully modeled interior. If not, they are a Standard� car, and have the dark tinted windows.
    I didn't say they removed the interior from the Standard� cars. I'm just saying they don't have a fully modeled one, like the Premium� cars do. I understand that they had the faint outline and shape of one in previous games. But, if you look at all the images and video they've shown, the Premium� cars all have clear windows, showing the fully modeled dash, interior, seats, etc, whereas the Standard� cars still have the dark tinted windows to hide the fact that there isn't really much in there. I mean, yea great, the old GT4 cars have the outline of a seat inside. Hooray. That doesn't really help much, since we won't be able to play from the interior view on those 800 cars anyway.

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  • koobcamuk
    Apr 8, 01:12 AM
    To be fair - Apple themselves were doing the same thing - in the UK at least.

    I experienced, on a number of occasions, Apple Stores actually had stock in store available for reservation, but were forcing an entirely unnecessary, half an hour 'unboxing and setup' appointment.

    With only a few of these slots available - more often than not - the store would have plenty of iPad 2 stock available, but no appointments, so reservations were stopped and Apple Staff denying (and laughing in my face) that they had any remaining stock.

    I dislike Apple staff everywhere except Japan.

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  • adamfilip
    Jul 21, 10:13 AM
    Now you just need to decide what color your want your new computer... (again)

    I want Apple to take the current PowerMac G5 Case
    make it 25% shorter, add a second optical drive
    and two more Internal hard drives
    add some External Sata ports. and 4 more USB2 ports
    1 more front usb2 port
    make the mic port powered

    and then make the case black anodized aluminum. and have the apple logo on the sides backlit just like the notebooks

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  • bretm
    Apr 10, 10:44 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Hoping for some better multi-core support(although probably going to have to wait for Lion for the newer QuickTime engine) and a UI that isn't from the 90's:

    ^ Final Cut on Mac OS 9

    Final Cut on Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard:

    Only thing that's changed is the scroll bars.

    Visually still similar. Until you look at the timeline. Since then the entire patch bay system is changed and we have keyframe editing in the timeline. As well as audio tool, waveform vector tool, and pretty high end 3 way color corrector built in.

    It's still a more functional and better looking interface than premiere CS5.

    Apr 25, 02:09 PM
    It is also used for forensic evidence against and for you in legal court.
    They could, but law enforcement doesn't need this log. They can get the data straight from the cell provider.

    Apr 6, 12:24 AM
    The apple store is down so maybe they are announcing it tomorrow?

    Mar 3, 01:28 PM
    But, but, but we'll have nobody to argue with... :(

    Mar 22, 01:06 PM
    My take on this.

    The good:
    1. Great specs
    2. Great price
    3. Great form factor

    The Bad:
    1. Looks plastic fantastic
    2. Android (as in: bad ecosystem)

    My verdict:

    No thanks, I prefer the guarantee for fresh apps and business support that iOS provides me.

    Aug 6, 02:00 PM
    With the iSight and IR sensor rumored to be integrated into the new line of Cinema Displays, i guess apple's gonna adopt HDMI as the IO interface, making Apple one of the first corps to do so. Plus with a HDMI enabled Mac Pro and Leopard fully support it. Why? HDMI is just like ADC, plus its an industry standard port. U need only one cable to have all the communications (FW+USB+Sound+...) going, without having to clutter yr desktop with multiple cables. I see it coming!

    I think they'll go UDI instead of HDMI (and save fees). The really interesting question here though is HDCP and what means for all existing hardware including cinema displays...

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