Wednesday 11 May 2011

us 1 dollar bill illuminati

us 1 dollar bill illuminati. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • JoeG4
    Mar 31, 02:56 PM
    lol damn what a bunch of crap.

    Google is saying that Honeycomb was designed for tablets, not for mobile phones - and if you've actually used a honeycomb tablet you'd see that yea.. it's more of a computer/tablet thing than a phone thing.

    The phone OS isn't that much of an iOS ripoff. Samsung ripped Apple's "grid of rounded off square icons" off but if you look at vanilla Android it doesn't really have that look.

    That and home screens with icons in a grid are nothing new.

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  • ciTiger
    Apr 11, 03:40 PM
    Good! My iP4 will be the latest model longer! eheh:D

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  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 23, 04:03 PM
    Is it your position that Libya represents a larger danger to American assets/security than Iraq?

    American assets and security are deeply entwined with Nato. An emboldened Gaddafi would encourage the continued use of repression across the region, thus destabilising it even more. He would also probably renew his threats towards the West, bearing in mind the downing of Pan Am Flight 103. Gaddafi was also actively and genuinely pursuing weapons of mass destruction until the Gulf War bought him to heel.

    These are just a few reasons that immediately come to mind from someone with only a surface reading of media that aren't parroting the conservative line, you should try it some time. I'm sure those who know more about the geopolitics of the region can outline more...

    Why you keep on referring to Iraq when the scale of action in scope of resources and time isn't remotely on the size of the Iraq invasion, is a complete mystery. If you're attempting to make this Obama's 'Iraq' folly, then you will fail. This will be off the front pages of US papers in terms of US engagement within a week or two.

    As for asking why not North Korea, I'm staggered you could even make a nonsensical comparison. A nuclear-armed nation bordering China?

    "It is in America’s national interests to participate . . . because no one has a bigger stake in making sure that there are basic rules of the road that are observed, that there is some semblance of order and justice, particularly in a volatile region that’s going through great changes," Obama said

    Translated: Above all, we want an arc of governmental and societal stability from North Africa to Afghanistan in order to protect oil supplies and our commitments to Israel.

    What I personally expect is people to stand on principles, and not on parties. What I expect is that people live their lives in a honorable way and present a consistent philosophy.

    Even though that philosophy might be bereft of any factual basis? You have an important lesson in life ahead of you:

    When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?

    us 1 dollar bill illuminati. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • itsmemuffins
    Mar 22, 08:15 PM
    'nuff said (

    nuff said what?

    Did you miss the bit where they say the software walkthrough is on the older device?

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  • gugy
    Aug 17, 12:17 PM
    "Sixteen Core Tigerton Setup about $6,000" :eek:

    I want one!

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 21, 06:24 PM
    That doesnt really make sense though, because in GT4 cars had interiors (even if generic seats) as you can see in this stupidly large screenshot:

    So Polyphony took the gt4 models, removed the interior, then pasted them into Gt5?
    You must have missed the part where I said....
    Can you see in the windows? If so, then it is a Premium� car with a fully modeled interior. If not, they are a Standard� car, and have the dark tinted windows.
    I didn't say they removed the interior from the Standard� cars. I'm just saying they don't have a fully modeled one, like the Premium� cars do. I understand that they had the faint outline and shape of one in previous games. But, if you look at all the images and video they've shown, the Premium� cars all have clear windows, showing the fully modeled dash, interior, seats, etc, whereas the Standard� cars still have the dark tinted windows to hide the fact that there isn't really much in there. I mean, yea great, the old GT4 cars have the outline of a seat inside. Hooray. That doesn't really help much, since we won't be able to play from the interior view on those 800 cars anyway.

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  • Virtualball
    Apr 19, 02:13 PM
    According to Wikipedia It was released in Feb before the iPhone was released..

    Please stop spreading FUD. If you knew anything about the history of the iPhone, you would know that it was announced and previewed at MacWorld 2007. That means they showed the world the interface, the phone, and most of the features in January 2007.


    "Samsung is also trying to one up its competitor [link leads to Apple] with one specific feature... a slide out full-QWERTY keyboard."

    Seriously, this is all FUD.

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  • hob
    Sep 13, 07:31 AM
    That's a joke! Incredible. Shame they couldn't say much about the performance though...

    For the performance of Clovertown you'll have to wait a bit longer as we're not allowed to disclose it just yet

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  • rezenclowd3
    Aug 14, 11:31 PM
    I enjoyed 4 quite a bit until it got into the super fast races. I have more fun racing a slightly tuned 350z instead of a completely modified GT that is putting 800+hp on the road.

    I do agree there unless it is an F1 or LMP1 race ;-) Must be due to my gaming driving skill:rolleyes:

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  • maelstromr
    Apr 25, 02:31 PM
    Look out Apple...the chattel are beginning to rise. I hope these power-hungry thugs (Apple) get taken to the cleaners. Sad that Apple now views our location as a resource to be exploited.

    While I can't say that I like the idea of private information being recorded without clear consumer knowledge or warning, I have to wonder what exactly is getting 'exploited' here? In two years when you throw your phone out Apple secretly searches your trash, takes it and markets to you based on where you went two years ago? Give me a break. :rolleyes:

    us 1 dollar bill illuminati. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • xfiftyfour
    Aug 7, 11:21 AM
    anyone see that the apple store online says "we'll be back soon - we are busy updating the store for you and will be back within the hour"?

    Oh, and if it's already been said, I'm sorry - I'm not going back and reading through 10 pages... haha

    us 1 dollar bill illuminati. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • ssk2
    Apr 11, 01:45 PM
    The sheer amount of people posting here, saying they're moving from iPhone if the new model is delayed significantly is quite telling really.

    We're a community that thrives on tech news, but the average joe doesn't care and if his/her contract is up for renewal between June and the release date and there's no new iPhone to fill that void, chances are they AREN'T going to hang around for iPhone 5.

    I've had iPhones on the 'odd numbered cycles' (ie. 1 and 3) and I really am thinking of switching. I don't want the hassle of having to wait 2/3/4/however many months. Call me fickle, or having no patience, but MY OPINION is that Apple just isn't keeping up with competition.

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  • Koufax80
    Apr 25, 02:36 PM
    Maybe I'm missing something, but so what if they can tell what cell phone tower you're by??? Are you really so important/ secrative that someone knowing your location is that big of a deal?

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  • skunk
    Mar 22, 07:22 AM
    Oh yeah... and here's a fun little nugget for those who like to tout Obama's coalition:How many of those in the first list have the capability of fielding an airforce? I'm just guessing here, but I imagine that Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Nicaragua and Uzbekistan would be less than useful contributors.

    us 1 dollar bill illuminati. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 25, 03:19 PM
    "Federal Marshals need a warrant. . . . . "

    Duh, the police always have to jump over a higher bar . . . I, personally, can come into your home, take your bag of cocaine, and go give it to the police and it will be admissible, even though the cops need a warrant. (I can be sued for breaking and entering, etc., but the drugs are still admissible

    Actually it would not be admissible.
    The police would not be able to verify where it actually came from unless they actually watched you retrieve it.
    At that point a good attorney would argue that you were acting as an agent of the police and the subsequent discovery and retrieval of the coke would fall under the same rules for gathering evidence and require a warrant.
    The coke evidence would get tossed and you would go to jail for breaking and entering.
    The officers who you handed the coke too would either be reprimanded or fired.

    us 1 dollar bill illuminati. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 22, 11:40 PM
    Right, because there can't be any other reason why Blue Velvet, or myself, might support military intervention in Libya, but not Iraq. They are exactly the same situation after all.

    Although I backed the implementation of a no-fly zone a few weeks ago, I wouldn't describe my position as one of wholehearted support. More a queasy half-hearted recognition that something had to be done and that all alternatives lead to rabbit holes of some degree or another. When all is said and done, my usual fallback position is an intense weariness at the evil that men do.

    For the record, I actually supported (if silence is considered consent) both Gulf wars at the start; I believed in the fictional WMD, I believed it when Colin Powell held his little vial up at the UN... but I, like many was tied down with work and other concerns and was only paying cursory attention to the news at the time. Like Obama, I also initially supported the war in Afghanistan, or at least the idea of it, initiated by a Republican president, but since then it seems to have become a fiasco of Catch-22 proportions.

    Slowly discovering the real agenda and true ineptness of the Bush administration was a pivotal point in my reawakening political understanding of US current affairs after reading Hunter Thompson for so many years. Disgusted and appalled at the casual way in which we all were lied to, I'm quite happy to hold my hands up and say 'I was wrong'.

    Thing is about Obama, I never had any starry-eyed notion about him being a peace-maker. He's an American president, the incentives are cemented into the role as one of using power and protecting wealth. Not that many conservatives were paying attention at the time, but he stood up in front of the Nobel academy when accepting his Nobel Peace Prize and laid out a justification for war.

    Since the second Gulf War, the entire circus has been one of my occasional interests, because I've never seen a political process elsewhere riddled with so many bald-faced liars, grotesque characters and half-baked casual hate speech. What power or the sniff of it does to people, twisting them out of shape, is infinitely more interesting and has more impact on us than any other endeavour, except for possibly the parallel development of technology.

    George W. Bush is responsible for another calamity: me posting in PRSI, one of my many occasional weaknesses.

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  • Chundles
    Jul 20, 08:14 AM
    I wonder what they're going to call them, Quad sounds cool but "Octa or Octo" just sounds a bit silly.


    The Mactopus??

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 18, 08:53 AM

    I think this speaks for itself.

    When I'm working on one project, that's all my attention to it. When I'd like to encode it, I'd like my however many cores to be at full blast. Sadly, that's not happening at the moment and will remain so until they rewrite h264 encoding.

    Like I said, unless people are doing what you do (sending multiple files to be encoded at the same time all the time) they won't benefit from 4, 8, 100 cores.

    Now if anyone can show benchmarks that show FCP being 40-50% faster on a quad than on a dual when working on a project, I'll shut up :)That chart speaks for NOTHING. Comparing a Mac Pro to old 2004 single core Dual G5 PowerMacs is a completely irrelevant and spurious "test". This entire review is flawed by the missing Quad G5. BTW I don't use H.264 at all ever.

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  • ryanx27
    Aug 27, 11:05 AM
    I happen to have a Yonah Macbook, and im a little concerned.
    I wonder, if merom does make it into the Macbooks did i make a mistake by buying my computer before i had to (as in next friday is the cutoff)
    I wonder if Merom is really that good. *it sucks that macbooks dont have PGA slots*
    well im hoping to sell this one next year, and thatll get me most of the way to my santa rosa beast, cuz i KNOW santa rosa is that good.

    This is the classic existential dilemma of the Mac user :D

    Sep 16, 03:56 PM
    As for using a Dell, sure they could've used that. Would Windows use the extra 4 cores? Highly doubtful. Microsoft has sketchy 64 bit support let alone dual core support; I'm not saying "impossible" but I haven't read jack squat about any version of Windows working well with quad cores.

    Bad dual core support? Citations please. I think this is a case where a Mac fan is simply speaking out of ignorance of their "enemy" platform.

    I've been using dual processor Windows computers for a few years now and it works fine, I can't imagine dual core being any different. For quad core, I think THG showed that a Kentsfield showed significant performance benefits over a Conroe for many Windows programs. The media encoders showed very nearly a 2x performance difference.

    cult hero
    Mar 26, 03:59 PM
    Details found here :

    Gist of it :

    - less features than Samba
    - no more Active Directory Services
    - Just file sharing now.

    Samba developers have also noted that the true motive behind this move might not be the GPLv3 per say, but a more global move away from the GPL. Is Apple moving to close the source on more and more of OS X ?

    Anyway, Samba v4 could have given them all the "features" they implemented and much more. Their own in-house version won't necessarily be better just because it's written by Apple. The Samba team does a great job with what Microsoft puts out as documentation (if you can even call it that).

    Note that from the article, this change only impacts OS X Server. The client was already an in-house solution.

    Ick. None of that is good news. Although their current implementation of Samba is old anyway. Things aren't going to get worse... they're just not going to get any better. That's a bummer.

    Looks like I'll continue using Linux for my domain controllers then. (Not that I take issue with this.)

    Personally, I think it's GPL3. Apple isn't the only company reacting negatively to it. Who knows though? I certainly don't.

    On the upside that means Apple won't advertise that their server will work as a domain controller anymore which they do now despite the fact that nowhere do they say, "Hey, only old NT4 style domains that don't work for modern Windows clients."

    Nov 28, 07:54 PM
    i agree with this on one condition:

    Universal agrees to give up its right to prosecute anyone who owns an iPod for piracy.

    i.e. if I buy an iPod, then I can pirate Universal's catalogue all I want because I have effectively already paid for their content.

    a few bucks is a small price to pay to get access to everything they got

    One wonders why it hasn't been used in a Court of Law. :p Stress that the same law that applies to cassette tape players and the record function should be the same as downloading music to use on cds (to which they paid for, and to which money is added to CD/DVD sales to make up for pirated music).

    Jun 15, 04:41 PM
    Radio Shack is no longer doing Pre-orders...I was told there are no more iPhones available for them...

    The Best Buy in my area is doing a $50 Pre-order but it's BS...The $50 doesn't go towards the iPhone...You're still going to have to pay full price (not guaranteed that you will get one on launch) and the $50 that was originally paid will be returned to you as a gift card. Are you serious????

    I'm not sure where you are getting your information from, but it doesn't match my experience at BB this morning. I paid $50 for the deposit which was returned to me in the form of a $50 BB gift card, which the sales rep specifically told me to bring it back on the 24th and it would be applied towards my iPhone purchase. I have a 9am appt at the store (1st appt of the day) and will be the first one to walk out of there with my new iPhone 4.

    Mar 22, 07:15 PM
    I'm willing to accept the current level of US involvment, provided it is short-term and really is part of a broader coalition with UN backing. Whether it turns out to be justified depends on subsequent events.

    Poor old Obama has been dragged into this kicking and screaming by Sarkozy, Cameron, the Arab League request for a no-fly zone and the request by the Libyan revolutionaries themselves. He's been stressing all the way that he wants another nation to take the lead and now nobody can decide who. The Italian's want NAC to be in control, whereas the French don't. The Arab League doesn't want NATO running it so the French are proposing that we do it by committee. :confused:

    I think they need to offer a deal to Gadaffi of some sort. He needs to go, but if there are charges against him in the international courts then it'll be a fight to the death. Offer him an amnesty if he agrees to go into exile quickly.

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