Tuesday 19 July 2011

bin laden

bin laden. Osama in Laden sits with his
  • Osama in Laden sits with his

  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Apr 10, 09:37 AM
    I would think this revision will support 3D video editing, right?

    bin laden. sparked in Laden#39;s
  • sparked in Laden#39;s

  • applefanDrew
    Mar 25, 11:25 PM
    I'm really not looking forward to Lion at all. It just seems like a huge step backwards for those of us that use our computers as real computers and not toys. I have an ipad, an iphone and several macs, but they each have specific uses. I don't want my desktop machine to be anything like my ipad, one is for doing real work and doing my daily stuff on, the iOS gadgets are for fun games and browsing mostly.

    I LOATH the whole idea of merging OSX and iOS, they shouldn't even be related. I hate how they are ruining expose, I really don't want my stuff groups by app, I want to see every window like it is now. I have no use for "full screen" apps, why would I waste all my screen real estate only showing one thing at a time? I hate the idea of getting programs through the app store on the Mac, I refuse to do that. I hate all the gesture crap going on, sure it's fine for laptop users, but it's of no use to me on my mac pro.

    I think all this is just a dumbing down of what is an amazing OS. I don't use my mac with dual displays anything like I'd use an iPad, so why put that crap in there? I just don't like the direction they are taking OSX in general, and I doubt I will upgrade from snow leopard. To me this is very sad news, the day OSX and iOS merge is the day the mac dies.

    I'm pretty susre you don't HAVE to use the new stuff. Old expose is still there for instance.

    bin laden. on Osama in Laden`s death
  • on Osama in Laden`s death

  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Aug 6, 11:46 AM
    Mac OS X Leopard
    Introducing Vista 2.0


    That's funny. A nice little jab at M$. Classic!

    bin laden. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • faroZ06
    Apr 8, 12:46 AM
    I meant last year when the iPhone 4 was released....

    Yes, did they have the iPhone 4 in the AT&T stores? I thought they did. I know for sure when the 3G came out, they had it in the AT&T stores as well as the Apple stores.

    I don't mean the $50 3GS that you can get now from AT&T.

    bin laden. osama in laden funny pictures
  • osama in laden funny pictures

  • ProwlingTiger
    Mar 31, 08:44 PM
    I like everyone bashing on the Apple "fanboys." It's comical. Somehow telling it like it is hangs a sign around your neck saying "i'm a fanboy, flame me."

    People defending Google here by saying Google is still open are simply delusional. Now, if you defend Google by saying, "hey, Google was wrong these past few years, they're going in the right direction now," I'll give you credit.

    But, somehow, Google changing its policies that were clearly not in the best interest of consumers gives people a reason to bash Apple customers.

    Google is practically admitting what Apple "fanboys" have been saying all along.

    "You can't handle the truth!"

    SactoGuy18: Good idea. I've been wondering why Google never did this originally.

    bin laden. A picture named inladen.jpg
  • A picture named inladen.jpg

  • Macaroony
    Mar 3, 03:40 AM
    Bill, I would love to hear your explanation for the position of the male prostate.

    A quick side note: Sexual tension is most often the cause for anger, jealousy and frustration. So, if everyone had at least one good orgasm every day, the world would be a much more relaxed and peaceful place and we wouldn't have the need for silly discussions such as these.

    bin laden. killing Osama in Laden
  • killing Osama in Laden

  • 840quadra
    Apr 27, 08:28 AM
    This sucks.

    I have no regrets as to what I have done, or were I have been in my lifetime. I liked the ability to look back over the time I had my iPhone 4.

    But honestly people, the iPhone (and most other smart phones) are;

    - Wirelessly network attached
    - Have a Microphone (usually mutiple)
    - have a camera capable of video / still images (usually multiple)
    - are GPS aware
    - have motion sensors of some type
    - make logs (of various types)
    - have gigabytes of storage
    - most sync to systems which are connected to the internet in some form
    - And all running on software with known (and likely many unknown) vulnerabilities.

    With some smart software installed, I am sure your phone could know more about you than your closest friends or loved ones. ;)

    Personal and data security takes a bit of work and effort. it can't simply be installed, or patched in an update. If you take security seriously, software "bugs" like this shouldn't be an issue.

    bin laden. Osama Bin Laden home video and
  • Osama Bin Laden home video and

  • raymondso
    Sep 19, 09:02 AM
    normally.....do they update new product at 9?

    bin laden. in Laden#39;s whereabouts
  • in Laden#39;s whereabouts

  • skunk
    Aug 6, 01:45 PM
    Um, http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=odbjam.2.2Apple is described as an "Applicant".

    bin laden. osama in laden target
  • osama in laden target

  • JoshH
    Aug 7, 02:06 PM
    Looks like a good time to let my PM D1.25Ghz G4 retire... The new MP must be at least 10 times faster. :eek:
    Apple store up again. The old PM G5 seem to be gone.

    Me too. I've tortured my poor PM dual 867 long enough. Retirement would be good.

    ... in a nice place where she'd be treated well, of course.

    bin laden. osama in laden cartoon
  • osama in laden cartoon

  • cmaier
    Apr 19, 02:35 PM
    Yes. People here are failing to understand the difference between traditional patents that we usually hear about here, and design patents. I believe what Apple is suing over is infringed design patents.

    7 utility patents and 3 design patents, plus 3 trade dress registrations and a bunch (7? i forget) trademark registrations, plus some unregistered state-law unfair competition/trademark stuff.

    bin laden. Binladen
  • Binladen

  • Burnsey
    Mar 20, 11:13 PM
    Well, you see, it is not about the one-man-one-vote thing. That works just fine. You just have to make sure you keep the wrong men from voting.

    The problem is your not voting for a leader, you're just voting for the new mouthpiece.

    bin laden. Osama in Laden described
  • Osama in Laden described

  • GenesisST
    Mar 31, 04:00 PM
    Can't we just all get along?:-)

    The pissing contest continues taking on comical character.

    As an iphone user I have a great device that does what I want it to do. The least of that is actually making phone calls.
    It's beautifully integrated with all my Apple stuff.

    The Android users have their iphone and ios copy phones. (Hello Mr. Schmidt, nice stealing)
    If the Androids and Windoof phones do what their consumers need them to do be happy.

    Why would I even care if open or closed. I have no personal advantages if Mr. Rubin has to eat his words or they make changes. Technology is ever evolving.
    As a famous politician once said: What do I care about what I said yesterday?

    May the better product win, copy and all. If the iphone starts to suck and there are better alternatives for me, I'll switch and so will plenty of others.
    Same the other way around.

    Objectivity, here? It's like thinking in church... BLASPHEMY!

    bin laden. Osama in Laden
  • Osama in Laden

  • milozauckerman
    Jul 27, 06:49 PM
    looking at reference systems - for $2049, Gateway's Core 2 Duo gets the 2.4GHz/4MB L2 cache Conroe, 2GB of RAM from the factory, an x1900 512MB graphics card, 320GB hard drive, card reader and DL DVD burner.

    Apple had better step its game up compared to the prices/specs rumored last week. A weak graphics card and 512MB of RAM aren't going to cut it in the low tower, even if it does have XEON INSIDE or whatever the marketing pitch will be to distract us.

    EDIT: Dell would be even cheaper, with a lesser video card, but there doesn't seem to be a way to separate the XPS 410 from the included 20in monitor as of now.

    bin laden. Oslama Bin Laden cartoon 1
  • Oslama Bin Laden cartoon 1

  • Sean.Perrin
    Jul 14, 10:54 PM
    Not a chance in the near future. Blu Ray and Sony are in utter shambles right now.

    Sony really is in shambles... what is wrong with that company? They've really lost any focus they might have had and some terrible ideas in have come and inevitably gone. (Will the PS3 be next?).

    bin laden. from #39;Osama in Laden#39;.
  • from #39;Osama in Laden#39;.

  • kresh
    Sep 19, 11:34 AM
    The thing is Apple is shooting itself in the foot because it knows that all the Prosumers research enough that they know there is better available. Apple is losing alot of sales by not being prepared. I would think that Apple would get 2nd priority to Dell on shipments so they should have a good stock of C2D.

    Where's your proof that Apple is losing a lot of sales by not being prepared?

    If everone that ever visited MacRumors got mad and purchased a Dell, that would not be a lot.

    Are you just making this up?

    bin laden. Tere Bin Laden Hindi Movie
  • Tere Bin Laden Hindi Movie

  • generik
    Sep 19, 02:57 AM
    1. It's Merom. Not Memrom, Menron, Memron or even L. Ron.

    2. It won't be any cooler and it won't have greater battery life, period. Unless Apple has an amazing new design in store.

    3. If you really, really, need a Merom, you should wait until the Santa Rosa platform so you don't complain that you got the inferior Merom. :rolleyes:

    That is all.

    These kinds of arguments are always lame.

    1. People have lifes, not everyone is as much as a geek as you to know exactly how many transistors are in the next Intel processor. That is a code name by the way, Steve is not going to step up and go "Merom Macbook Pros!" on stage. He will look like a Moron.

    2. So? Who is Apple to tell me how much of an improvement I should expect from something? When's the last time you seen Ford advertise "05 Ford Falcon! Fuel efficiency lags behind competing models by under 10%, same old reliable Ford Falcon with 2 year old design, still at same old price of $19,999"

    If there is even so much as 0.001% of improvement you are gonna see Steve step up onto the keynote like a lappy dog and brag it to sound like it is greater than the 2nd coming of Jesus. That's sales 101 for you.

    3. Meroms support 64 bit code. 64 bit code like Leopard (although we don't know for sure), or code like Vista x64 (that is 100% for sure). Sure, you might not mind running things in half arsed modes like some Frankinstein hybrid 32/64 bit system like Tiger is, but some people might actually *gasp* appreciate the ability to judge 64 bit code. Get off your high horse already, if you disagree just keep it to yourself. Not like your arrogant rants contributed anything either.

    bin laden. in laden wallpapers.
  • in laden wallpapers.

  • Sean.Perrin
    Jul 14, 10:54 PM
    Not a chance in the near future. Blu Ray and Sony are in utter shambles right now.

    Sony really is in shambles... what is wrong with that company? They've really lost any focus they might have had and some terrible ideas in have come and inevitably gone. (Will the PS3 be next?).

    bin laden. Omar in Laden
  • Omar in Laden

  • egan311
    Apr 11, 12:54 PM
    If true, this means that Apple has raised the white flag and accepted the defeat that Android has given to them. Not caring about the power of the hardware relative to others in the marketplace is a hallmark of a niche ecosystem.

    Welcome to obscurity Apple - Population You

    Yet another example of an opinion being passed off as 'fact'.

    Not surprised given your chosen signature.

    LOL! :D

    So true.

    Apr 28, 04:28 PM
    Well he's obviously American! Just look at him! ;)

    Yeah, I wanna know why he is "obviously" born in the US, and Obama isn't/couldn't be.

    Aug 7, 03:17 PM
    The new HW is fine, but Leopard is exciting! I'll look forward to this as I have all the big cats. Time machine is a great idea; love the additions to iChat & spotlight.

    Aug 11, 05:04 PM
    You might want to read some reviews on the Chocolate before buying it. I've seen a handful of reviews that were less than favorable.

    A good resource is Phonescoop.com. They usually have a decent amount of user reviews upon which you can base your purchasing decisions.

    I just bought a chocolate and I absolutely love it. Great battery, great sound, best reception out of any Verizon phone I'd ever had.

    The best thing - IT DOESN'T HAVE THE STANDARD VERIZON USER INTERFACE! I really hate how Verizon forces that onto all of their phones now.

    I'd say go for it :)

    Apr 27, 03:12 PM
    As stated earlier, which you conveniently ignored, I found the article on the Drudge Report. Am I not allowed to read the Drudge Report? Should I keep it exclusively to HuffPo in the future? I read them both, but you tell me how I should do it.

    So typical, focus on the messenger and not on the message. Your guys posts are so littered with red herrings and strawmen its almost beyond imagination.

    Since the messenger (you) has expressed huge distaste for Obama on almost a daily basis, I'd say my assumptions are fair.

    Aug 27, 04:34 AM
    We are talking here about Macintosh buyers, not about idiots.

    I'm sorry but I have seen plenty of evidence around the net (in this forum and elsewhere) that many Mac-users have zero clue when it comes to computers.

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