Tuesday 19 July 2011

black and white pictures of lovers

black and white pictures of lovers. You Are A Lily
  • You Are A Lily

  • Multimedia
    Aug 27, 01:57 AM
    How do you get black aluminum? Or is this just a wish? Cause that'd be pretty ill.

    And what is the easy access HD bay?It is speculated by some of us that the next MacBook Pro revision will include a Black Anodized Aluminum case. Here is the MacWorld video showing the MacBook's Easy Access HD Bay (http://www.macworld.com/weblogs/macword/2006/05/macbookvideo/index.php) which many of us here think is a Pro feature Apple must implement in the next revision of the MacBook Pro. :)

    Here is the Apple documentation on the MacBook's Easy Access Hard Drive Bay (http://manuals.info.apple.com/en/MacBook_13inch_HardDrive_DIY.pdf).

    black and white pictures of lovers. #couple #love #lack and white
  • #couple #love #lack and white

  • shawnce
    Aug 21, 10:59 AM
    Mac Pros will need 64bit Leopard to achieve their full multi-core potential.
    You care to define "their full multi-core potential"?

    black and white pictures of lovers. of lack-and-white and
  • of lack-and-white and

  • b166er
    Apr 7, 10:34 PM
    me too! I wanna learn!

    How does withholding stock from the public aid a company? I can imagine holding them till everything is registered in their system and accounted for. But turning people away when they actually do have stock doesn't sound like a good business practice to me

    When you are as HUGE as best buy, and you are selling a product as huge as the iPad, it makes sense to create a demand. People do this all the time. You can't get it now, so the second it becomes available to you, you buy it in fear that you might have to wait another month. This happens all the time with a lot of products.

    black and white pictures of lovers. May 29 2010 3:47 AM
  • May 29 2010 3:47 AM

  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 10:25 AM
    I really hope Apple comes out with a phone that's an awesome phone, music player, and smart phone... Is that asking too much?

    Yes, I agree, it would have to be an iPod as well for all intents and purposes. And please Apple, make it a good quality phone - don't make it like those RAZRs which look cool but are crappy otherwise. I don't think I have read more negative reviews on a cell phone than I have for the RAZR.

    black and white pictures of lovers. in shadow Black and White
  • in shadow Black and White

    Aug 26, 05:18 PM
    One year ago I was being driven nuts by my three office Windows machines (one custom built, two compaqs). Relatively new machines but it was one damned thing after another. A virus here (with Norton installed) a corrupt file there, a dead hard drive here, a spyware infestation there...and then the anti-idiot Windows warnings at every turn (Are you sure you want to do that? Really really sure. Can't I talk you out of that?) I was at wit's end. I was reinstalling the operating system about every 6 to 9 months. I was convinced by a rep at compusa to try a mac. Now I have no windows machines and four macs. No longer do I wonder what new horror is going to happen and cause me endless hours to fix.

    I have had zero hardware problems, and of course, no problems with virus's etc. Life is good. I really think that my experience with windows machines is not all that uncommon. Apple stuff just seems better designed and built.

    I think that it is easy to forget just how much better (not perfect) this Apple stuff really is than the Windows world.

    black and white pictures of lovers. Any bridge lovers out there?
  • Any bridge lovers out there?

  • SgtPepper12
    Apr 27, 08:13 AM
    Oh my god I knew it! Apple collects the data and does evil things with it! I can't imagine what kind of evil things they are going to do with it!

    No, seriously, I really don't. Printing out huge posters with a map of your latest locations saying "LOOK AT WHERE THIS GUY WAS. HE WAS AT THE SUPERMARKET LATELY. HE SURELY BOUGHT SOME THINGS THERE, LIKE TOMATOES. YEAH THIS KIND OF THINGS." maybe.
    Strange people.

    black and white pictures of lovers. Black Purple White Lovers
  • Black Purple White Lovers

  • BWhaler
    Aug 26, 07:11 PM
    Note: I believe I accidentally merged someone's (possibly a couple of people's) posts into BWhaler's post (3 above this post). Sorry. :o

    jsw, thanks for merging my postings.

    Didn't mean to spam the thread. (Just wasn't thinking...)

    black and white pictures of lovers. is a lack amp; white deck in
  • is a lack amp; white deck in

  • janstett
    Sep 15, 07:48 AM
    The Today show is an embarrassment. The US major tv networks do not have any real morning news programs. How to trim your dog's ears and an inside look into American Idol contestants is NOT NEWS. It is an entertainment talk show.

    The network morning "news" shows have always been fluff. What's worse is that the so-called "hard news" shows are just as bad, and not just in the morning -- CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News all run mindless fluff instead of news. And don't get me started with MSNBC airing Eye-Puss in the Morning.

    black and white pictures of lovers. Many lack and white printing
  • Many lack and white printing

  • gsander
    Jun 10, 10:05 AM
    You've got questions. We've got transistors.

    I don't think any Radio Shack sales people know what a transistor is.

    You got questions? We have cell phones.

    black and white pictures of lovers. diablicaa2 10 months ago
  • diablicaa2 10 months ago

  • edenwaith
    Jul 14, 04:34 PM
    ONLY DDR2-667?!? :confused:

    Come on Apple, you'd BETTER use DDR2-800 or I'll be pissed! :mad:

    No, they better equip every new Mac with 10 Terabytes of DDR9-5000 RAM! And they will also include a Raid 5 configuration at 20 Exabytes! And the entire machine will be smaller than your fingernail.

    But it will then come equipped with a 16Mhz Motorola 680x0 chip.

    black and white pictures of lovers. couples lack and white
  • couples lack and white

  • JAT
    Apr 27, 10:21 AM
    There aren't any concerns, but since the media hyped this up so much, they had to address it. Now they have. Should be the end of the story. But it won't be since there are anti-Apple folks who will push to keep this story alive as long as they can until the next Apple-gate story gets created.
    Yes, and no doubt Chris will add something about this on Ubersoft, validating the idiots. :rolleyes:

    black and white pictures of lovers. lack and white tones.
  • lack and white tones.

  • TeamMojo
    Apr 7, 11:05 PM
    Good for Apple. Best Buy is downright predatory. They often charge $30 for cables you can by elsewhere for $5 or less. And the whole new Fry's like winding checkout line is so lame. I do like to use Best Buy as an Amazon showroom.

    black and white pictures of lovers. Love in Black and White / Love
  • Love in Black and White / Love

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 19, 10:42 PM
    Even if that were true, so what? Apple Records was not a competitor of Apple Computer. Trademark law allows multiple companies to have the same trademark so long as they don't sell the same type of products in the same location. This is why you can have a 100 companies like "AAA Locksmith, AAA Laundry," etc. Or you can have "Hollywood Video" in Michigan being totally different than "Hollywood Video" everywhere else [interesting story that. I may have the state wrong.]

    Only truly "famous" marks (e.g. Coke, McDonalds, etc.) which can be "diluted" by use with other types of products are protected against this sort of thing.

    But App Store is like Coke, right? Of course it's ok if Apple does it. They've becoming one of the most hypocritical companies on the planet. Maybe Steve suffers from extreme paranoia?

    black and white pictures of lovers. We Met in a Bar: A Love Story
  • We Met in a Bar: A Love Story

  • layte
    Mar 31, 03:58 PM
    First, I have a Dell Streak. Wanted to see what the fuss was about. Took a year for the official Froyo release to appear. Yeah, fragmentation exists.

    (I appreciate Android on the Streak, but GOOD GOD does it feel like a laggy piece of software compared to my iPhone and iPad. It has widgets and tons of convenient apps for pirating software or games (no... I own ALL those ROMS)... but I digress.)

    So, Android unifies. Google forces handset/tablet manufacturers to adopt a stock OS interface. How will they differentiate themselves? What incentive, beyond a free OS, will there be to creating "phone B" that looks just like "phone A". This is where Google will shoot itself in the foot. The less the carriers and handset manufacturers can customize, the less incentive they have to launch on Android. Heck, just emulate Android if you want the apps, right RIM?

    Weren't there waves a few weeks about about Motorola wanting its own OS? I'd want to control my own destiny. This is creating a "walled garden" (Andy as caretaker) for the device manufacturers/carriers, and they're the ones that Google needs to be pushing the platform.

    The thing is, if handset manufacturers want to crap up a handset with their own gunk they are free to do so still. They will have to wait longer than has been the case (is there an echo in here?) but it is still possible. This isn't Google completely shutting off access, just them making things a bit harder (some will think this is a good thing, some wont).

    Perhaps they can differentiate with hardware, or custom applications (just not anything that messes with the base OS by the looks of things). Horrible skins need to die a death, even hardcore fandroids would agree with that.

    black and white pictures of lovers. Love in Black and White
  • Love in Black and White

  • darh
    Aug 15, 01:11 PM
    Video cards won't make a difference in FCP as of now if that's what you are asking performance wise. If you are using Motion/Games, anything that really feeds off the video card, then I'd go for the higher end video card.

    Otherwise I'd go for the 2.6 ghz.

    Couldn't it be the harddrive that is the limiting factor in this bnechmark?

    black and white pictures of lovers. PICS Attitude amp; Sensations
  • PICS Attitude amp; Sensations

  • Fabio_gsilva
    Jul 27, 11:53 AM
    Gee, talk about getting ahead of yourself.

    Core 3 will be out before Vista is. I'm going to call it now.

    Everybody, be my witness, Core 3 (any processor that goes beyond Core 2 because I don't know if they'll call it "Core 3") will be out before a consumer version of Vista is shipped.

    I'll remember!

    black and white pictures of lovers. of cool lack and white
  • of cool lack and white

  • marksman
    Mar 23, 08:24 AM
    Complete BS "iphone" lookalikes date back to ebfore the iphone was anounced. So either some companys have people who can predict the future, or the design and tech behind the iphone was aused BEFORe it was released and apple just changed excisting designs.

    Ipad is basicly a large smartphone.

    LOL what?

    Perhaps you just dont have any experience with other UI's? That people jailbreak to specificly change certain parts of it shows there is something lacking.

    The context where UI and grid-like were used were not correct.

    Better notifications, different user profiles, better accesibility on settings, better multitasking, better start screen , more interactivity on the home screen,...

    People are saying they want the UI changed because it LOOKS dated, not because of anything it allows the user to do.

    You dont seem to understand what he is saying.

    multitasking is being able to run different programs at the same time. The ipad 1 isnt really capable of this as it laks ram to hold those programs in memeory.

    Apple solution is a cripled form of multitasking. Certain task can be done in the background and even certain programs are allowed to run completly in the background yet this all has to be coded AND remains hampered by the lack of ram.

    I am pretty sure I know what Apple does and the person I was replying to did not, not sure why you are defending them when they clearly did not understand it.

    Even in the browser you have trouble keeping open tabs as they constantly need to refresh as you switch as it runs out of memory.

    Yeah on the original iPad, and on the original iPhone as well. With the memory added now it is not a problem. Again people complaining about things they don't even understand.

    So you really think an extra 256MB of ram would have destroyed the battery life on the ipad? Strange how it DOESNT do that on the iphone 4 or comparable tablets.

    The original iPad had only 256mb of ram because Apple wanted to reach a killer price point, at $499. They managed to do it, and do it in Spades. This one factor alone has made it amazingly difficult for anyone to compete with the iPad in the space to deliver the specs and price point. You notice the iPad 2 has more memory right?

    If you got any source to back this up, post it otherwise its a myth like the "multitasking destroys battery life"

    WAT? Do you know how computers work?

    You should perhaps look beyond macrumors, plenty out there and depending on the consumer some better other worse then the ipad 1 and 2 .

    Plenty of what out where? Tablets? Are you serious? The Xoom, some tiny galaxy tab that is not really a comparable device? Are you serious that there are plenty out there? When the iPad 2 was already finished being designed and developed there were NO other legitimate tablet models in the marketplace.

    And britney spears sold a lot of almbums at a time, so at that time she was "the best"? BS of course.

    LOL what? So Apple sells a lot of expensive computing devices because they suck? Your point doesn't make sense. It is like you are just spinning in circles with this post about to throw up.

    Wich will be no different then for the iphone, and we both know within 2 years android outsold the iphone.

    So you don't understand the primary differences between the cellphone market and the launch of the iPhone and the tablet market and the launch of the iPad. If you did you would understand why this is not the case.

    Not to mention Android is an OS and the iPhone is a piece of hardware. You do know the difference between an operating system and a piece of hardware right?

    black and white pictures of lovers. lack-and-white lovers and
  • lack-and-white lovers and

  • aly
    Aug 27, 03:58 PM
    I'm a bit fed up of all these estimates and random guesses at when apple will release merom updated MBPs. Although I am waiting for the revision before I buy one, I've decided to just wait till I see one instead of getting my hopes up each tuessday :) hehe. Ah well maybe next tuesday.....

    black and white pictures of lovers. Black-and-white photography is
  • Black-and-white photography is

  • HyperZboy
    Apr 7, 11:36 PM
    This notion that Best Buy is the only one hoarding stock is typical of the stereotypical Apple fan. And once again, I've never bought Apple or Mac products at Best Buy because the staff are not knowledgeable in most cases, the same way I never bought a Mac at Circuit City for the short period they carried Macs.

    But which stores are well stocked the best with iPads?

    See if you can guess. I'll give you a hint, it begins with an A.

    Sure you can say, those are Apple's rules, deal with it, but that doesn't make it right.

    The truth probably is that some Best Buys are probably near Walmarts and Targets so they don't want to be out of stock for 2-3 weeks while Apple hoards stock at its stores. I'm sure none of them want to be out of stock for 2-3 weeks and suspect that Best Buy is the not the only offender of conserving stock due to Apple's inability to meet demand.

    Not one of these chains wants to be known as the chain that didn't have iPads for 2-3 weeks giving consumers the impression they don't carry it anymore!

    The only difference is Best Buy got CAUGHT!

    I would bet that this directive came from corporate and applied to a limited number of stores that were faced with the possibility of being out of stock for an extended period of time.

    People can conjecture here all they want, but no one really knows the details of Apple's supply promises vs. what it delivered with any of these chains.

    Great Dave
    Apr 5, 11:04 PM
    Nobody's using Blu-Ray...

    Seriously?!?! Have you been Zombitizied by Steve?

    I have been highly critical of Apple of late - their "Pro?" stuff - harware and software - gets further and further behind the competition all the time.

    And I always wait for them, because of these stupid rumors. Will this one finally be accurate?

    Apr 19, 02:25 PM
    Samsung forgot to copy apple and put the lock/power button on the side.

    Lock/Power button belongs on the top of the device.

    If you look at Nexus S, samsung really did copy apple's box design.

    If you look at their phone/alarm/clock icons, they copied.

    Samsung has no chance of winning this lawsuit. Apple was preparing to sue samsung for a long time. They just needed time to prepare.

    Mar 26, 02:25 AM
    Been on Lion for the past month and I can't see myself going back to Snow Leopard.

    Same here. Buggy as hell, but i like what i see.

    Feb 28, 06:47 PM
    Wow. I have never, ever in my life been so tempted to troll a MacRumors thread, nor have I ever been so infuriated by the use of a set of double quotation marks.

    Gay marriage is not "marriage." Gay marriage is marriage.
    Gay people are not "gay." They are gay.

    So a few things:

    1) Deal with it.
    2) Gays are going to keep on getting married. Whether that means that they have to leave your ass-backwards country to come to a real civilization to do so, or write their own damn marriage contract and hire a rational person to perform the ceremony, they will.
    3) As Lee said, what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes (hell, anywhere, in fact) is their own damn business.
    4) The claim by Bill McEnaney that gay people living together "should have purely platonic, nonsexual relationships with one another" is outrageous. (NB that this person had just said they must live "as siblings" which is weird, given that platonic love is only reservation from physical romance, not emotional romance...)
    5) If you are going to pull the "protect the sanctity of marriage" card on me, think very hard about the institutions of divorce and annulment.
    6) Many people (and many of the small number who claim to anyway) do not share your beliefs. Catholics have sex. In and out of marriage. *See Point One.*
    7) Please try to be just a smidgen more cultured in your attitudes, and a little less abrasive in sharing them. Though I try to reserve judgment, I am currently not alone in thinking that you are completely insane just by your posts in this thread.

    I feel better now. :)
    2) okay, they can pretend to get married
    3) We don't care what they are doing in there
    5) Divorce is a terrible and tragic thing
    6) The Catholic Church doesn't pretend that the people in it are perfect.

    A) Maybe your feelings on the situation would be different if you actually had a girlfriend.

    B) I'm interested to learn what exactly the physical and psychological risks of non-marital sex are?

    You're kidding. Right?
    No, I'm not kidding. To the Catholic Church sex outside of a valid sacramental marriage is fornication
    You can pretend that particular fornication sessions are sacred because some guy wearing a white collar said so.
    Definitions are useful
    No, it's called "living a human lifestyle".

    Why should your hang-ups be of any relevance to anybody else? Perhaps you need to deal with your own perceptions instead of relying on some dusty tome to tell you what to think. You know that Plato was a repressed homosexual, don't you? He spent hours at the gymnasium ogling naked young men, and perhaps like S/Paul, spent a lot of effort telling other people how to love to expiate his guilty feelings.

    You are extraordinarily keen to prescribe what other people should do. What's it got to do with you?

    You sound like a real catch, but hey, what you choose to do is up to you.

    So, you assert that a married non-Christian couple can do nothing but fornicate? What an appallingly demeaning attitude! Do you regard any couple you meet as probable fornicators by default? Do you question them about whether they use birth control, or whether they were married, and if so whether it was in a Catholic church with the proper sacraments? You clearly swallow Catholic dogma hook, line and sinker, so choosing righteous friends must be a real PITA.
    Last time I checked when the vast majority of people did such behavior it was with the opposite gender not the same.

    Do you have proof that Plato was a repressed homosexual?

    That is because to a Christian they aren't married. He probably doesn't because a marriage between two non-Catholic Christians is generally valid.
    Lee, I agree with you about what you say, but he clearly did say that this was only his opinion. People are allowed that, even if it is hateful and exclusionist.
    inclusivism is not inherently good and that position holds no hatred or malice

    They decided not to rehire him, so?

    Apr 6, 11:15 PM
    Youre aware the newest mbp (high end) 15, and 17 haveva 1gb graphics memory, right?

    Yes but not Nvidia so I don't think they can use the CUDA think. correct my if I'm wrong where PP gurus.

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