Tuesday 19 July 2011

jackie kennedy onassis style

jackie kennedy onassis style. Jackie Kennedy Onassis walking
  • Jackie Kennedy Onassis walking

  • GorillaPaws
    Aug 7, 03:49 PM
    I was impressed w/ the new iChat features. It will really help me troubleshoot w/ my mom, who is less-than-tech-savy. I'm a good two hours away from her when I'm up at school, so it'll be nice to be able to show her stuff. Plus with the new backgrounds she won't be able to see how filthy my apartment is :D .

    Time machine was cool looking, although I'm not sure how often I'll truly use it.

    The other thing that popped out at me (after just glancing at the website) was the really cool core animation vid they had up. That would be an amazing screen-saver, I hope they add that in to Leopard for impressing my PC friends. I'm still not sure what the potential uses are for developers are, other than eye candy. I haven't seen many apps that take advantage of core video yet so i wonder how useful this will be to developers. I'd love to hear what you all think about core animation and if it will have any utility.

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Kennedy is one of
  • Jacqueline Kennedy is one of

  • Aztechian
    Jul 27, 09:52 AM
    Yes. I believe people who have gotten their hands on Core 2 Duo beta chips have put them in their mini's with no difference (except a massive speed boost)

    Weren't the notebook CPU's soldered to the boards though?

    ^^^beat me to it ;-)

    jackie kennedy onassis style. to copy Jackie#39;s style and
  • to copy Jackie#39;s style and

  • LordJohnWhorfin
    Nov 28, 06:57 PM
    If Apple pays Universal to compensate it for their losses due to iPod users being pirates, I will make sure I only procure pirate copies of Universal music and movies, since Universal has already been compensated. No need for them to get paid twice.

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Enduring Style: Jackie Kennedy
  • Enduring Style: Jackie Kennedy

  • al2o3cr
    Apr 25, 01:43 PM
    Hope nobody tells these lawyers that anybody who can access the location data can also get at the address book and text messages - OMG PRIVACY VIOLATION!

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 12:17 PM
    He hasn't been carrying this around for 50 years. Did you actually read the article?
    I read most of it. I haven't been carrying my birth certificate. It spent most of its time im Mom's china closet, where it still faded.

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • mikethebigo
    Apr 6, 10:56 AM
    Can we also expect, ?

    -Backlit keys
    -Brighter display, colors, and IPS
    -HD Facetime

    All would be greatly appreciated along with the Sandy Bridge

    fingers crossed for no Over-heating issues, you know how those turbo speeds can get and how they've treated the 13'' Pros

    I might not expect IPS, doesn�t it draw more power than TN LCDs?

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jackie Style Volume IV (The
  • Jackie Style Volume IV (The

  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 02:47 PM
    I am sorry, but it is... 150 million people is a small market compared to the other +6 billion people. Europe alone is more than 700 million people...

    Well only about 1.25bil out of the +6 actually have cell service and I'd suspect only about 300mil in Eurpoe use cell phones (according to internetworldstats.com estimates 291mil in Europe use the internet... I'd assume cell usage is similiar).

    And factor in that the US, Canada and many of the other countries with CDMA service are amongst the most wealthy in the world. Those +150mil customers are nothing to sneeze at.

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Kennedy on the
  • Jacqueline Kennedy on the

  • stormj
    Aug 11, 01:41 PM
    Here are some of the issues with the iPod phone.

    In order to make the biggest splash, it will have to be available in both GSM and CDMA versions so that all of the big 4 carriers can use it. GSM is the international standard, so I'm sure they will have that *at least*.

    In order for it to matter, it will have to be able to access the music store over the air. Have you tried downloading an MP3 file, even on an EDGE connection? It sucks.

    The delay here has more to do with the networks. Until the 3G networks are fully rolled out (EV-DO on Verizon, UTMS on GSM, etc. etc.) and available beyond a few cities, this phone will just frustrate people. (Verizon's rollout has gone much further, but I would think given that CDMA is rare outside of the US that that fails to compensate for the fact that the GSM 3G is still in just a few markets.)

    The latest rumor is that wide-spread UTMS roll out will be in Q1 2007. When that happens, we'll see an iPod phone. It's not as if Apple couldn't have made an Apple-rific phone by now. The limitation isn't theirs, it's the networks'.

    In the meantime, you can get an HTC Tytn that will use 3G world wide and will play MediaPlayer... if you're into M$.

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jackie Kennedy, her hair
  • Jackie Kennedy, her hair

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 04:08 PM
    That may be, but I highly doubt every infant, elderly folks, and the poverty stricken all have cell phones. If that's the case, then I'd have to say that there are a lot of people who's financial priorities are kinda messed.
    What sjo wrote seem quite accurate. Cells are extremly common here. It has become so common that cellphones nowdays are almost considered as a anti-status symbol. Poor people cant "afford" a land line.
    Many like me, have multiple contracts. Our old contracts, used to be roll-over type. Hence, a lot of people have many minutes left on their old contracts. They pay a small fee to keep the old contract alive and then use these minutes when they travel in abroad (expensive to call). Then they have a new contract that allows you to talk very cheap within a/some countries. These minutes are not roll-over type.
    As you can see, we have a big mess too when it comes to contracts. I wish I could keep one phone and one number, but right now that is financially insane.

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Kennedy
  • Jacqueline Kennedy

  • nvbrit
    Apr 25, 01:56 PM
    You aren't being tracked by Apple, you aren't being tracked to the meter. You can opt out, just switch off location services.

    And by the way even if you do switch off location services your location is still being tracked by the mobile phone companies everytime your phone makes a connection with one of their masts, which happens everytime you move cell. Oh and this happens with every phone, otherwise they wouldn't work.

    Stop being a paranoid sheep and start reading the facts of this case not the media hype.

    well said... this is just hysterical that all this fuss is being made over a file store privately on your own phone and your own computer and not being sent to anyone else. Yes what a total outrage my own devices are storing my own information in a place that only I can access! Grow up people!

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • Multimedia
    Sep 13, 11:37 AM
    I wouldn't want to say I told you so but... :eek: :p :D Where's Multimedia? This is exciting!
    Wow...a user upgradable Mac. Good stuff indeed.

    I am anxiously awaiting better utilization of all the cores, but the ability to multitask without hiccups is still great for now!Must Crush Video...Must Crush Video...Must Crush Video...Must Crush Video...Must Crush Video...Must Crush Video...Must Crush Video...

    I'm still gonna wait for the Clovertown option to appear in the BTO page, then price retail Clovertowns a Fry's before I decide if I'll let Apple to my upgrade or do it myself according to which way cost less. But I really don't want to kill my warranty on day one. So it'll be academic since they are going retail in a month prolly before Apple adds the Clovertown option to the BTO page although they were pretty Johnny On The Spot with the C2D iMacs.

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jackie Kennedy Onassis
  • Jackie Kennedy Onassis

  • shawnce
    Sep 13, 11:36 AM
    Do you mean like how BeOS did things?

    Yeah BeOS had this great feature called magic pixel dust. :rolleyes:

    All that BeOS had was separate threads per window at the UI level. This does nothing for parallelizing compute tasks. These extra thread that BeOS had spent most of their time doing absolutely nothing.

    What Mac OS X has now is several operating services that will automatically scale up to use as many cores possible (while still making sense). Many of the "Core" framework do this without any work by application authors other then then those authors deciding to use those services instead of rolling their own.

    For example ColorSync color correction, audio conversion, audio mixing, etc.

    ...and yes Mac OS X 10.5 is expanding the OS services that will do the right thing (TM) as well as making it easier for developers to transparently and directly utilize the cores available in a system.

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • iMrNiceGuy0023
    Jun 20, 04:28 PM
    you might be better off at a mall RadioShack than a stand alone store....they tend to get more inventory of any product

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy
  • Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy

  • ethana
    Mar 22, 12:53 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Uhhh... screen size?

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 27, 09:33 AM
    So many critical issues to discuss and serious problems to overcome and people are still talking about ********** birth certificates? :rolleyes:

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jackie Kennedy Onassis Quote
  • Jackie Kennedy Onassis Quote

  • Stratus Fear
    Apr 19, 02:28 PM
    Sigh, you're entirely missing the point of this case. No one's arguing that there's been a grid of icons before, it's just that Samsung went the extra step. See, Android itself doesn't have a near-identical desktop, but TouchWiz does. TouchWiz is what you see here, the icons have been made into squares (like the iPhone), there's now a Dock with frequently used apps with a grey background to distinguish it (like the iPhone), it has a black background (meh) but it uses white dots to note the page it's on (like the iPhone). They went the extra mile to provide an iPhone-like experience for their Android devices.

    Yes. People here are failing to understand the difference between traditional patents that we usually hear about here, and design patents. I believe what Apple is suing over is infringed design patents. That the Galaxy S has a icon grid method for selecting applications is irrelevant in that case. They tried to copy the general design and likeness of the iPhone, which is against the design patents.

    Also, whoever it was arguing it previously... Let's not trot out the whole "Apple lost the 'look and feel' argument against Microsoft" thing. That was a different case. Design patents still get filed and granted all the time. This is a new case.

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jackie Kennedy Onassis
  • Jackie Kennedy Onassis

  • rezenclowd3
    Nov 24, 05:09 PM
    I'm utterly disappointed in the single player...but alas it really has not changed since ALL the other versions. Online is where I will be spending my time.

    On another note, so very dissapointed with video game reviews the last 3 or so years. They are more an overview of what the game is, not a review of the game, along with its pro's and con's. IGNs review for GT5 is somewhat decent..but just barely.

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • wizz0bang
    Jul 15, 11:25 AM
    I like your line of thinking. You know, what if Apple just released 4 Mac Pro models? Or offered 2 Mac Pro models and 2 iMac Pro models. The bottom two could have Conroe chips and the top two could have 2 x Woodcrest chips. Perhaps have an ever so slight case design difference between the two (i.e. slightly smaller on the low end or charcoal black on the upper end). Because, when you think of it, "prosumers" who already own a display are faced with a difficult buying decision with the current lineup.

    That would be a good lineup: two Minis, two iMacs, two Macs, two MacPros. Perhaps then the spread from $1499 for a base model conroe Mac to a $3299 or even $3599 for a premo dual-woodcrest 3GHz MacPro would seem plausible? I really like having a Mac desktop option before stepping up to the MacPro (with a smaller format). Right now the iMac is your only option in a certain range.

    I agree with another poster too, having both models silent would be most excellent!

    jackie kennedy onassis style. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • macDrewd
    Mar 26, 07:01 AM
    Please release OS X Lion on a cool Apple flash drive :cool:

    Really don't want another DVD, my shelf is full!

    Mar 22, 04:12 PM
    Samsung can say all they want about their products. There are the following glaring issues:

    1. Has anyone realize how much less Samsung's profit margins will be on the Galaxy Tab versus the iPad2? (ie. Apple retains a high profitability based on inhouse product development rather than contracting to third parties like other hardware developers)

    2. Given what I perceive to be an extremely small profit margin, I find it difficult from an investor standpoint to endorse Samsung's business model.

    3. It is next to impossible from a longterm business perspective that Samsung can price match Apple in this respect. It's an unsustainable business practice.

    i believe samsung manufactures a lot of their own hardware.. from the display panels to the chips. don't they provide apple with parts for the ipad too? i think this is how samsung is able to price match apple here

    Aug 26, 11:33 AM
    Does anyone know what happens when you dial Applecare (1800 275 2273) and hit 9? I accidentally did that...

    And also, I registered my Applecare and when I go to apple.com/support to see how many days left on the warranty, it says 90 from when the last service was. How come it doesnt say the hundreds of days I should have left.

    Jul 14, 03:54 PM
    Amen to that. Especially when you look at the dell site and see that their tower with that same CPU costs about $2400.

    This makes a nice discussion piece. But, I don't think that Apple will undercut the Dell price. My personal opinion is that the configurations are about right. But, the prices are too low. The table is bogus.

    Mar 26, 06:16 AM
    Can't wait. Hope it's awesome

    Got to wait for the results from the beta testers who buy 10.7 on release. Learn the lessons of 10.6, I waited until 10.6.2 was out!

    Wish my MB had a multitouch track pad though! :(

    Apr 28, 10:21 AM
    I think you hit the nail on the head. Trump may have made a tactical error by starting the hardcore birther attack too early. But of course he's got more tricks in his bag. He will fire one attack after another to wear down his enemy. It kind of makes me wonder if Trump is a closet Scientologist.

    Well, he's certainly not a closet jackass.

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