Tuesday 19 July 2011

new york state police officer

new york state police officer. the New York City Police
  • the New York City Police

  • obeygiant
    Mar 17, 12:28 PM
    Being against a specific military action doesn't make one a military dove.

    I see you included lots of "lots" but no "links". I'm sorry, but mere rhetoric only goes so far in this forum. If there are so many instances that prove your point, why haven't you actually produced them?

    If you need links for the items the 5p listed, you weren't paying attention during the campaign.

    Hypocrisy is an occupational hazard for all presidents, since the tough-minded realities of governing trump the foolish consistencies of the campaign trail.

    new york state police officer. NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com)
  • NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com)

  • 0815
    Apr 6, 02:45 PM
    But he then said after how well it would work on the phone, they put the tablet project on the shelf and focused on the phone as it was more important. Which means it was a tablet and no just a touch screen device in the beginning.

    yes, seems it was this way:

    1. tablet concept/prototype
    2. use ideas from that tablet concept to create iOS/iPhone
    3. continue development for tablet

    Apple also realized that it is easier to market a smart phone first which than makes it easier to market a tablet build on the same OS. iOS/iPhone was never a independent development but strongly tied to the tablet development.

    new york state police officer. County, New York State
  • County, New York State

  • braddouglass
    Apr 6, 12:56 PM
    A hard drive uses less than 2 Watts while reading or writing. Flash uses the same or more when it is used; it only has an advantage when it is not used, where the hard disk drive has to spend energy to keep the drive spinning (less than 1 Watt).

    So I suppose that standby temp would be low. and that operation temp would be about the same as any other lap top. Sounds good to me haha.

    All I want is a faster processor and a backlit keyboard and I'll be happy with it.

    Already with Flash HD and 4GB ram it should be wicked fast, but I'd like an i5 at least...

    new york state police officer. Former New York City police
  • Former New York City police

  • ratinakage
    Apr 8, 07:43 AM
    It makes total sense to hold back the units for the following reason:

    Day 1: Someone calls up BestBuy to find out if they have the iPad2. They reply, "yes we have a very small amount in stock". Customer arrives at the store and they are all sold out but they are told that there will be a few more on sale tomorrow. Customer picks up some random crap like a DVD, mouse or whatever.

    Day 2: Customer arrives at the store and they are all sold out but they are told that there will be a few more on sale tomorrow. Customer maybe picks up some other random crap and leaves.

    Day 3: [Same as Day 2]

    Day 4: [Same as Day 3] etc...

    If you just release a few each day, customers will keep coming back in hope of finding one and possibly buy some other small items while in the store. If you sell them all out and have nothing for weeks, you will have no customers coming to the store. BB knows that the iPad2 is in short supply and that they will have no trouble shifting the stock if they need to so they are happy to sit on it and keep a steady flow of customers coming through the store.

    new york state police officer. Michigan State Police walk
  • Michigan State Police walk

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 27, 08:24 AM
    Not true.

    Recent years, updates came right before the end of the promotion.

    There is a strategic reason for this. Since there have been some issues with new Macs, this promotion will motivate some buyers not to wait. In the retail world waiting means there is a bigger chance the buyer will go else where (like to Dell or something). I am sure if you look at the profit on a Nano vs. a Mac you will see that if this promotion sells 1 Mac that wouldn't be sold without the promotion makes up for 5 or so Nanos that went with Macs that would have been sold anyway. This promotion is not cutting into Apple's profits; they are making more money off this.

    new york state police officer. A retired New York City police
  • A retired New York City police

  • Ivabign
    Apr 6, 03:58 PM
    Nice...I'm glad to have a more rare piece of hardware. I love mine and have no issues, it'll only get better over time.Reminds me of the days of the RAZR, that's what the iPhone and iPad have become.

    Honda sells a TON more cars than BMW by a huge factor...I'd rather drive a BMW, I guess you're all happy with the Hondas :)

    I think if you were told you could only use unpaved roads in your BMW - you'd beat a path to your Honda dealer.

    new york state police officer. A Sonora state police officer
  • A Sonora state police officer

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 20, 10:51 AM
    Depends on which model. The AT&T/Rogers Galaxy S Captivate hardly ressembles the iPhone :


    I'm also hard-pressed to see how the Nexus S comes even close :


    Let's not even go there with the Epic 4G :


    Yet they are all included in the complaint...

    Of course. Apple invented the phone, the computer, the GUI, the mouse, etc etc etc. :rolleyes:

    new york state police officer. The police officer training
  • The police officer training

  • Moyank24
    Apr 28, 04:11 PM
    Because there was never a question of wither or not any of those men were born in the US, with Obama the past was always a bit hazy as to if he was actually born in Hawaii or thats just what his parents told him. Obviously he doesn�t remember BEING BORN in hawaii..his parents could have just told him that.

    But now we have proof and its all over with there�s no need to be calling names about it.

    What exactly was a bit hazy? He provided proof 3 years ago.

    The only thing that is hazy is your argument against racism. Different color, funny name...a bunch of white conservative bullies. Sometimes 1 + 1 does equal 2.

    new york state police officer. in White Plains, New York.
  • in White Plains, New York.

  • DeathChill
    Aug 7, 10:18 PM
    Running the preview now... some nice developer level stuff that I cannot ebelish on however beyond what was talked about in the keynote.

    The new Core Animation stuff looks simple yet powerful and will increase the visual effects and feedback that application can do with only minor work on their part.

    Also new Xcode Tool capabilities are well... great to have (need to review what is available publicly before I can comment more).

    Next spring Apple will have a good answer to Vista with little disruption to end users and developers (unlike Vista).
    So it's fair to say that developers have received their copy of Leopard?

    new york state police officer. He was fired from the State
  • He was fired from the State

  • obeygiant
    Apr 27, 09:51 AM
    I was once proud of the Trump Tower here in Chicago. Now I'd like to see it burned to the ground.

    What are you, a terrorist? lol

    new york state police officer. New York state#39;s highest court
  • New York state#39;s highest court

  • matticus008
    Nov 29, 06:30 AM
    It goes to court and the 'Pirate' successfully argues that he/she has already compensated UMG by buying the iPod/Zune. The judge agrees and piracy of Universal music becomes legal so long as it's for the 'UMG taxed' iPod or Zune.
    Only if all the lawyers and judges in the room are asleep at the wheel, and even then only if that mass narcolepsy extends to all appellate and supreme courts above that one for the several months it would take to shut down any of the major labels.

    It would be an interesting case, and yes, it is possible.
    So is teleporation, but I'm not camping out in any lines.

    new york state police officer. Auxiliary Police Officer;
  • Auxiliary Police Officer;

  • rovex
    Mar 22, 01:40 PM
    Yeah a 50% smaller screen for the same price and less battery life is certainly going to crush the iPad2.

    The screen is not 50% smaller. Nice way of making yourself look stupid.

    Playbook has that elusive flash support out of the box which every apple fanboy wants to hide under the rug.

    OS is more eloquent than iOS.

    new york state police officer. police training
  • police training

  • 70355
    Aug 7, 06:03 PM
    Innovation isn't creating new ideas, but improving them.

    I guess. If we're allowed to make up our own definitions for words.

    If not, Merriam-Webster considers "innovation" to be "the introduction of something new".

    new york state police officer. currently a New York State
  • currently a New York State

  • akdj
    Apr 6, 11:01 AM
    Have any of you been able to use Sandy Bridge hardware h.264 on the MBP for your AVC files?

    I understand that there is an issue with 24p (it's 24.000 hz not 23.976 hz as it should be) which will be corrected with Ivey Bridge, but 30p/60p/60i should work fine. I'm assuming that this feature will show up in Lion, but probably isn't yet supported in SL.

    Yes...using the new MBP, 17" SB 2.2 with FCP. Works fine, regardless of frame rate...however, there are a gazillion different "flavors" of AVC and h.264. I shoot HVX/HPX/EX1 and Canon 5d2/7d cams...all either at 24p/30p/60p. And obviously not AVC...however, h.264 I have plenty of experience with... Never had an issue with ANY FR, and this MBP is zippy as hell! Comparable to my '08 Mac Pro 3ghz/8 core machine for times on rendering and compression and exporting. Love this machine and I'm anxiously awaiting the new iMac/Mac Pro updates. I almost bought the 2010 Mac Pro 12 core...but I wanted to wait out the FCP news this year, so held off. If my new MBP is indicative of the performance boost we can expect with the new Mac pro....regardless of whether they use Sandy or Ivy bridge....it's going to be a phenomenal improvement. Big. Huge. Step up!!!

    A lot of pros have already left Mac, but I have been holding out. However, this is the last straw. If the new FCP disappoints I will be jumping ship, buying a high-end PC and switching to Avid or Premiere. I just can't stand the frustrations anymore of watching every consumer itoy get upgraded, and then the Pro stuff getting shafted.

    The time is now. The new FCP had better have something equivalent to Mercury Playback, optimization for RED footage, different HD codecs, real-time playback, 64 bit, multi-core usage, etc. If it's a dumbed-down consumer product I will be absolutely livid.

    This is Bowl *****!!! Come on man....I see these claims with absolutely NO, ZERO proof to back it up...Links? Pics? Video???? IF anything, MORE people have joined the FCP camp...because more people than EVER are buying Macs! Even though Adobe and Avid are cross platform, the affordability of FCP is a real bonus. Everyone I know that uses FCP and has been using FCP has ZERO interest in flipping. Unless you have an extreme PC...Adobe makes no sense (unless you are using the Quadro nVidia cards in a Mac Pro). Sure, the Merc engine increases performance for a few transitions and filters....but rendering is still necessary in MOST cases! Today's speed of the new Macs....MBP, iMacs, Mac Pros...makes the transition from AVC, XDCam, DVCPro, etc to Pro-Res, is actually a very speedy process. Even Canon stepped up last spring with a plug in to increase transcode speeds almost a 1,000% (used to take a minute or two to transform...now done in 10 seconds or less!!!). Once in Pro Res, editing is an absolute breeze...a cake walk, easy as pie:) Especially if you have a recent generation Mac from the last couple of years.

    Now...that said, absolutely, I totally agree improvements can be made. As mentioned many times....media management and better integration between other programs in the suite. However, being a long time FCP user, I'm "used" to the export/share option and don't find it too difficult.

    Motion is the program I would like to see take a big step forward. I am also a heavy Adobe user and have the entire CS5 Production bundle...but NOT for Premier...I solely use PhotoShop and After Effects. AE has been my go to animated title compositor. Motion, while decent...is certainly behind the eight ball in comparison to Avid and AE for these tasks.

    However...most, if not ALL of the pros I know that have been using FCP continue to do so....and there are more motion pictures, BIG ones...this year, edited on FCP than I can remember in years past. Pulling this BS out of your arse is crap. The iToy phenomenon, in my very humble opinion will actually HELP the Pro Apps...as Apple is making more money than EVER!!! This will afford them the expertise they need to develop the pro apps...more so than they've ever been able to do in the past. Keep in mind...for these iToys to be great, they need content....and again, IMHO...I think Apple knows this, and would be happy if every app, movie, song, etc...that resides in iTunes, Mac Store, App Store, etc....was created WITH their soft/hardware as well. Again, just my opinion....Apple won't shoot themselves and the entire creative community in the foot....just when they've becoming the HIGHEST gaining computer sales platform in the world!!! They're selling more computers (MB, MBP, MBair, MP, iMacs) then EVER...and I attribute that somewhat to the excellent user experience so many folks have had with their "iToys". You gotta figure some of those folks will be "Pro" creative guys. And enticed they will be (my Yoda impersonation) by the hardware and software that Apple offers....so if anything, there is Growth in the Pro sector...hardware and software both. NOT a mass exodus. Again...if you truly have proof that "All those Pros have already left Mac"...I'm all ears. If anything, they've made significant gains. Hence the reason AVID has DECREASED their pricing from the astronomical rates it used to cost...and the proprietary rigs you had to have to run the program.

    Sorry for the rant. But what you've stated is absolutely NOT true my friend. Period. And THAT is a fact! If you're deciding whether or not to stick with FCP, cool...fine to make that point. Don't make up BS about other "Pros" and their Post Workflow. Other than the BBC switching to Premier, I can think of NO other real, true professionals that have abandoned FCP because it's lacking. It's still a VERY powerful program. Getting older, several places to shine it up, but it still does the job and does it well.


    new york state police officer. A New York City police officer
  • A New York City police officer

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 15, 12:58 AM
    It would be ridiculous if it came with just 512 mb's of ram...

    Steve Jobs-"The New Octa-Core Mac Pro with 512 mb's of ram" It just doesn't fit...

    I agree, it wouldn't make sense. Might as well sell a new Lamborghini with a 1.8L 4-banger... ;)

    new york state police officer. Chicago police officer to
  • Chicago police officer to

  • alfonsog
    Apr 27, 09:11 AM
    If anyone wants complete privacy they shouldn't use a cell phone anyway. Or internet, or credit cards, or electricity, or work, or pay taxes. I would think Droid phones would be worse since their creator was Google which is all about tracking you to sell ads. No difference than junk mail, they know your home address and what stores are in your proximity.

    Also to Apple logging might mean using the data to track you, which they aren't.

    new york state police officer. Authority police officers
  • Authority police officers

  • thedarkhorse
    Apr 11, 04:34 AM
    Yes, its crap. The first version followed the basic principles of NLE but the new version is pathetic.

    However, Randy came up with FCP for Macromedia so he has what it takes if Jobs and other consumer oriented guys can keep their ***** away from the mix.

    I think the point is apple is trying to break the mold of traditional NLE editing. Many tools and terms we use in FCP and other NLEs are derived from linear tape editing from 20+ years ago. They are trying to push to the future of editing in a new direction and that may involve rethinking aspects of how we edit. Whether it's going to work or not I guess we'll have to see...

    new york state police officer. Bedminster Police Officer Car
  • Bedminster Police Officer Car

  • joeboy_45101
    Nov 28, 09:25 PM
    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    Wow! Where did you ever learn that from the MYASS School of ********! Hey here's an idea, since most of the music these companies produce is mastered and remastered on Mac workstations then why shouldn't Apple be able to come back and get some extra dough off of that. I mean you wouldn't want these record labels making something for nothing, now would you?

    new york state police officer. Bedminster Police Officer Car
  • Bedminster Police Officer Car

  • Tones2
    Apr 11, 02:20 PM
    The only downside is, Apple may be so darn busy in the fall with new products, that you won't even be able to get in their stores!

    That's why god created the internet.......:D

    Burger King
    Apr 27, 09:23 AM
    Just to be clear - you think someone who wants to question what is and what is not being tracked is a whiner?

    Did I read you correctly. Nice name calling.

    After an issue has arose and been debated to death and then even after the manufacturer has addressed the concerns of the paranoid, it is time to give it a rest.
    But then when those who wish to beat what should now be a dead horse into little bitty pieces continue, then yes you are correct. Maybe whiner is not the correct title for these people. ;)

    Apr 10, 10:42 PM
    I guess there's a lot of drama among the industry about Apple's refusal to release any kind of road map for FCP, not unlike their other products, and apparently a lot of people are starting to jump ship to Adobe's offerings. Everyone is pretty worried about this new overhaul because the guy who botched iMovie is the guy now in charge of FCP. I'm not into video editing, and I've never never used FCP or any product like it, but after hearing about all the drama and excitement surrounding this new overhaul I'm pretty stoked to see what happens.

    My friend, who is a documentary film maker, was hired by Apple as a designer working with FCP engineers. In the past, we had differing views on FCP; I believed Apple was dropping it as well as other pro-sumer based products while she thought they wouldn't.

    After recently speaking, and w/o breaking her NDA, she said she's disappointed. The project managers and engineers squabble a lot, and the designers (all almost film-makers and editors) aren't getting much input. According to her, Apple needs to fire the management and instate those focused on bringing the product to a new pro-sumer level. There appears to be a lot of mixed reviews, and that (as like Aperture) FCP is an attempt to bridge consumer and prosumer engines creating a big mess.

    We'll see.

    The guy who 'botched' iMovie is the same person that created Final Cut and continues to work on Final Cut. Randy Ubillos has been the head of Apple's video editing suites/applications for as long as I can remember.

    �and according to those close to FCP development, therein lies the issue...

    Apr 6, 03:48 PM
    But hey, haven't you heard, Honeycomb is a real tablet OS. (Whatever the heck that means.)

    Google must have used that line in a PowerPoint somewhere because I see it regurgitated verbatim on every single iPad vs. Honeycomb thread.

    The Google brainwashing continues. ;)

    What you and every other non-informed are missing is the Xoom lack of apps is a not really a con for 2 reason.

    1. Unlike iOS, ALL APPS, in the android market scale to fit the 1280x800 screen. No x1 or x2 crap. So I can still ENJOY my facebooke app on a larger screen. Nothing is lost. "optimized for tablets" gives me the same information just with a different interface. So long has my twitter app or facebooke or squeezebox app scale so i can see all. I am a happy camper.

    2. Unlike iOS i would argue that the xoom needs LESS apps to do functions that take iOS 3 or 4 apps to do. I dont need goodreader or the like because I have a native file system. I dont need skyfire because i have flash. I dont need to open in here, open in there. Every app can have access to each other...

    Apr 11, 01:03 PM
    Ive had my 3GS since launch and my contract will end same date in june i got my phone.

    I was hoping to wait MAYBE a month or 2, but if this holds up true, and they dont tell us at WDDC, they just expect us to wait, I will GLADLY go with a HTC Dual Core Android or Samsung Galaxy Dual Core Android because my 3GS is @ 512 cycles and its barely starting to hold 7 hours anymore, I need a new phone but Im waiting.

    Also whats ironic is, apple care ends at the same time, and I was hoping that apple would keep the 2 year cycle going so every 2 years you just "rotate" out. Dad had a 3G, next year I got a 3GS, next year he got a 4, this year I was gonna get a 5. If they **** up that cycle, ill call it quits on Apple.

    I love the iPhone, but im not going 2 1/2 years with a phone that wont hold a charge in a few months.

    They better give us an explanation, or im done with apple.

    Jul 20, 10:02 AM
    Notice time. I bags it, I said it first, it's MINE!!!

    My only...

    My Mactopus...

    Mactopus on Google gives you 18 hits

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