Saturday 2 July 2011

Zuzana Feet -

Fierce Friday Workout

Hi BodyRockers,
Freddy here – first of all happy Canada day to all of the BodyRockers on Team Canada :) As many of you guys know, I am Canadian so I will be raising a glass to the Maple Leaf today :)

Thanks to everyone who wrote in and shared their thoughts on the pros and cons of having children. At last count there were over 600 heartfelt responses from BodyRockers, and it was especially cool to hear from so many dads on the subject. It seems like a lot of BodyRockers out there have strong opinions about this subject, and overall I felt like many different points of view were represented.

Your comments sparked another conversation between Zuzana and I about our own plans, and we have decided that when the time comes we would like to investigate the option of adoption. That is not to say we won’t choose to try and have our own children, but there are so many kids out there who don’t have the love of a family that if we do choose to become parents one day this is something that we will take a hard look at.

Today we are going back into our workout vault and pulling out a kick ass workout that we did for the first time in November 2009. If you have been BodyRocking with us for a while, you might remember this one.

On a side note Zuzana and I are celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary this weekend (our Anniversary was June 29th). Last year we celebrated in Kingston and shared the recipe for our dinner with you. It’s hard to believe another year has past so quickly!
Enjoy your workout for today and check back for the tasty fat loss recipe we will be posting later today :)

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