Wednesday 11 May 2011

canon rebel eos slr 300d

canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • leekohler
    Mar 7, 07:59 AM
    Here's a tidbit from the pdf:
    This book is dedicated to the
    Holy Family, the sublime model for all
    families, and our sure guide in the
    reaction to the sexual revolution and
    homosexual offensive.

    May the Blessed Mother intercede
    with Her Divine Son for all Americans
    committed to defend the sacred
    institutions of marriage and the family.
    Interesting... wasn't Mary knocked up by an angel and was she really married to Joseph? :confused:

    Whoever wrote this nonsense has no idea how the world really works and what the social and cultural consensus was in the 1700s, the Renaissance and all the way before. Any idealized tradition in family, culture and society the Christians of today are pining for would completely eradicate everything we've worked for to be free and live without fear to be who we are.

    I just have one thing to say to all the righteous religious folk; it's over, end of the line, the jig is up. You've had your chance and you blew it. Join us in the 21st century where liberty, freedom and equality prevail - it's not perfect but it's the best we can do. So, rather than fighting it, join it and help it make better.

    They really think we're the enemy. It's unbelievable.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • yodaxl7
    Apr 7, 11:56 PM
    As best as I can figure, it works like this. Managers get good grades if they sell certain amounts of products.

    I'll use low numbers here. Let's say BB corporate wants you to sell at least 5 iPads a day to make your "Quota". One day, 10 iPads come in. You sell all ten, yay, you made quota for the day.

    But the next day, none get shipped to the store. So, boo, you didn't make quota, since you didn't have any to sell.

    So, if you get 10 the day after that, & not knowing if more are coming tomorrow, you sell 5, make quota, and hold the other 5 for the next day when, low and behold, none get shipped to the store. You still have 5 left over to sell, which you do, and again you make quota for the day.

    Basically the more days you make quota, the happier BB corporate is, and the better chance Mr. Manager gets a bonus down the road.

    Mr. Manager (

    Best buy should fire these managers! Days without iPad, these days less customers in the store. Withholding a few would bring customers on days without any in stock.

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  • tk421
    Nov 29, 11:50 AM
    I apologize as I have not read through all the comments as yet but if this goes through, how long before we see the request for these types of fees for all PC/Mac sales as those are used to download and listen to music as well?

    May as well add the fee to headphones. Don't forget speakers, receivers, cables, speaker wire. And cars, since many people listen to pirated music there. Oh, and add the fee on the monthly electricity bill (can't pirate music without electricity!) and any medical procedure involving the ears or hearing.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • daneoni
    Aug 27, 05:54 PM
    I was just checking out the CD vs C2D comparison at Anandtech, pretty interesting stuff.

    My question is this, is Santa Rosa strictly the mobile platform? I'm a student holding off for an iMac revision, and am wondering if apple utilizes Conroe in the iMac, will the faster FSB's be supported? Is an updated platform already available for Conroe? (I guess I had more than one question )


    Santa Rosa is for mobile platforms only. As far as i can tell the Conroe chips already have a rich FSB by default 1066MHz i think. Apple may use conroe and may use merom but conroe is looking to be the slated candidate.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • takao
    Dec 1, 12:46 PM
    the difficulty of the special stages/licenses tests is varying a lot .. on some of the 'b'-license tests i had to try 10 times to even get a silver medal edging out those 0.010 of a second and on the 'a' license tests i managed to get 4 gold ratings on the first try and once beating the needed time by more than half a second

    as for the second top gear challenge... for me it's next to impossible ... your lotus seem to have tires which seem to slide around corners much more and the AI somehow manages to break much, much, MUCH harder than you can:
    i was driving along around 40 meters behind one and went on full brakes when i saw their braking lights and still got disqualified for slamming into their back like a madman ... what gives

    i found the first n�rburgring specials much easier than the first top gear challenge

    after trying out the nascar challenges: :confused:... honestly they should have rather spent their money on getting more recent street cars ... thanks for having 10+ premium nascar cars :rolleyes:

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Cougarcat
    Mar 26, 02:10 AM
    I don't see Apple moving to any version of ReiserFS or ext#, so I think we are stuck with HFS+ and extensions/improvements of it, until the ZFS situation gets clearer.

    Apple abandoned ZFS due to licensing and they're working on their own new file system.

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  • 4God
    Jul 14, 02:35 PM
    ... and the other one HD-DVD! :eek: ;) :D

    Doh! Well, again IMHO, it is my preference to have only one optical drive built in. I could always add an external later.

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  • jeanlain
    Apr 5, 05:16 PM
    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?
    Final Cut does a bit more than disc authoring.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • dougny
    Nov 28, 06:44 PM
    (Did the music companies ask for money for every CD player or Tape Recorder sold? Nope)

    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams. So, Apple makes hundreds of millions off of their back on the itunes site, and a billion off of iPod sales, and they cannot share in the wealth?

    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Pontavignon
    Mar 31, 07:54 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Finally Google admits Jobs was right about fragmentation and recognises that to fight Apple it must become Apple. But it won't admit it. Prepare for lots of "closed is open and open is closed" stuff. Plus: the state of emergency justifying this closure is temporary: sort of like in Syria 50 years ago.

    You know, I am truly sorry for the idealists in the open source community. They deserve better.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • whatever
    Jul 20, 07:37 PM
    yeah, what he said. Apple does not have to distinguish powermacs from servers with processor speeds. People (businesses) who need servers are not going to buy powermacs to do the job even if they are a little bit faster or cheaper; they are going to buy real rack-mounted servers.
    Now you're not thinking like a competitive company that needs to continue to make money.

    Sun is on the ropes and Apple now has a chance to soar in and take a lot of business from them.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • notjustjay
    Nov 29, 09:14 AM
    If all of you on here bought all of your music either from iTunes or from a record store, then, absolutely, complain away if that dollar is passed on to you. But, which is likely in just about every case, you have a few songs you burned off a friend's CD or downloaded from a file-sharing site, then shut up, you are the reason this is necessary.

    You're welcome to audit my iPod. I guarantee you'll find nothing but legal tunes.

    Given your stance, I wonder how you feel about public libraries offering whole collections of CDs for patrons to "borrow". I think we all know what (many, not all) people are really doing with those CDs when they borrow them. Shouldn't we be doing something about these public institutions turning a blind eye to what is essentially sanctioned piracy?

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 12:35 PM
    So wait,on the projects you're working on,is everyone using recorders to record direct to prores or do you enjoy having to waste time converting everything you get?

    I almost never have to convert. All clients I work with require ProRes deliverables, and any tapeless material I get is ProRes. If I capture I use ProRes.

    Then I'm guessing you do your cross fades manualy?

    I just delete any transitions before. It's not that hard.

    edit:and I do get your point,it works,but other competitors over the last couple years have brought improvements that I'd like to also see in FCP

    I know trust me. I have a HUGE LIST of improvements, but overall FCP still works well for me for 90% of my projects.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 27, 08:11 AM
    5. Can Apple locate me based on my geo-tagged Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data?

    No. This data is sent to Apple in an anonymous and encrypted form. Apple cannot identify the source of this data.

    So while it is true that the iPhone does note Wi-Fi locations in your general area, and thus it does "track" you in that sense, it is only on your Mac that this information can actually track you. The information sent to Apple is anonymized, and thus not trackable to you.

    Apple is NOT tracking you. Your phone creates a database that could track you IF SOMEONE HAS ACCESS TO YOUR MAC. But if that happens, they already know everything there is to know about you anyway and have no need to check your Wi-Fi database. They've got your Address Book info, your bank site links and cookies, your email, your personal letters, etc.

    The only reason to slam Apple is for not culling this local database. Now they will. But Apple was NEVER tracking you. Apple is not lying when they say that.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • azzurri000
    Sep 18, 11:30 PM
    I went ahead and bought my MacBook Pro because I can't do my schoolwork without a laptop. So, I'm really not paying much attention these days about future announcements :)

    Is that irony?

    I'm also a student, and I don't think I could wait any longer than a month for these long-overdue MacBook Pros to ship... so a possible late November arrival is worrying to say the least.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 02:35 PM
    Are you calling me a liar? I literally went to, opened the file in Illustrator, and moved the text around myself. :rolleyes:
    Some things never change. Laughably bias.

    Anyway, like I said, I'm sure there's an explanation... are there any graphic designers here who can help?

    I already explained it to you.

    When you scan things in, depending on the software, you are often given an option to "auto-inscribe" or something, I cant recall the term. The software then attempts to read the document and embed real type into the PDF, rarely succeeding. I'm assuming that the pieces that came through just happened to be the clearest to read.

    EDIT: They probably DO want the controversy to continue! If I was in his shoes I would be eating it up. Every story on a right-wing birther makes the centerists even more alienated from the right.

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  • H. Flower
    Apr 12, 11:40 AM
    The insufficient content shouldn't pop up at random, or there is a bug. It pops up when there is insufficient content for a transition. Some transitions like crossfade are centered at the end/starting point of a clip. So it expands past/before this point, hence the need of additional content in the file.

    I didn't know about that multicore issue with Compressor when launched directly from the timeline. I suspect an issue with your setup. Compressor does make good use of my 4 cores on mpeg2 and I never set up Qmaster.

    I get "insufficient content" when my source isn't as long as my in and outs on the timeline, which can occur fairly often. I've used 5 other edit programs in my lifetime, and each one would lay the source on the timeline starting from the in point regardless. Thus, for all intents and purposes, the message is an error.

    "Cannot split a dissolve" - again, not a problem in other suites. Yes, I know there is a dissolve there. Yes, I want the program to split it. I'm the editor :)

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 20, 12:57 PM
    These ipad clone tablets made by samsung are not worth the price.

    canon rebel eos slr 300d. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 11, 04:57 PM
    Checking email and Browsing the Internet is better on a bigger screen....Ability to open Office files, yes the iPhone does that well, but it's much better with a bigger screen.

    Ah, so most of the stuff on Android is "better" only because it's on a bigger screen? :rolleyes:

    So if Apple came out with a 6" iPhone, that would make it better than Android, right?

    Navigation system..using an Android you don't have to pay $70 (TomTom) for something which should've come with your device.

    And the navigation app I purchased houses all the map data on the device and doesn't rely on a data connection to operate. Unlike Android's stock navigation.

    What did Android release which was later than the iOS which defined a smartphone?

    Um, how about the entire OS?

    Yup, but not many people want to lug around a 10" tablet and would like the extra screen real estate on their phones. I know i would.

    There are also people (like me) who prefer not to carry something the size of an old-school Palm Pilot in their pocket.

    Jul 20, 08:38 AM
    Not that I wouldn't mind more processing power :D ...

    but to me it doesn't make much sense for the majority of tasks/applications.

    There might be rare exceptions in the professinal area and of course it makes lots of sense for a server, but for a single user machine?

    Whatever, bring them on... in this case I like to be proven wrong.

    Apr 6, 10:09 AM
    Sounds good, might be a bit nearer to buying one by then too!

    Aug 7, 04:09 PM
    heh... they give MS so much crap for photocopying, but if anything, this is more or less taking a page out of MS's book with System Restore. Granted, it looks like it will be better, but still, MS had this kind of thing first.

    I wouldn't say this was copying. A way to backup and restore your files is just common sense. Even if Microsoft didn't have a restore feature, Apple would have come up with it anyway.

    Apr 8, 06:53 AM
    To avoid any hastle buy the ipad 2 from target. Was able to buy two on different days using their inventory tracker found on the web.. They don't hastle you with service plans, unnecessary accessories, etc which best buy does.

    Sent from my HTC Incredible using Tapatalk

    Jul 27, 10:29 AM
    Sorry if i missed it, but at what speeds do these run? Don't they know just because they keep bumping and bumping the chip speed don't really mean they have a faster system. Seem just like yesterday when a better design was more important than a super fast chip. Oh well, everyone is buying into the Mhz myth now. Funny that just a year or so ago, Apple was trying to shoot down the Mhz myth, now they have people cheering for it. I guess power consumption is good though.

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