Wednesday 11 May 2011

world cup cricket final 2011 photos

world cup cricket final 2011 photos. India 2011 Cricket World Cup
  • India 2011 Cricket World Cup

  • rezenclowd3
    Aug 17, 02:42 PM
    Traction control and stability control for a race car? Never I say!

    I have not enjoyed a NFS game after underground 2...

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. img 29140 world cup cricket
  • img 29140 world cup cricket

  • pyramid6
    Apr 6, 03:44 PM
    I think it's great that some people like the Xoom, but for me it's a nonstarter.
    As a developer, 100,000 units is not even worth considering developing for. I know I'm not the only one. I really don't like the walled garden of the Apple App store, but it is where the tablets are at the moment.

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. Semi Final World Cup 2011:
  • Semi Final World Cup 2011:

  • Thataboy
    Aug 7, 03:36 PM
    I think one of the biggest things is the iChat remote desktop functionality. I have long been wanting very basic Apple Remote Desktop abilities in OS X. It is the perfect way to help a friend or family member troubleshoot a computer problem or teach them how to do a particular task.

    Now, it seems, in iChat, all they have to do is share their screen, and you can take over! (If I am reading the description correctly!)

    Oh yeah, Time Machine is cool. Spaces is alright, reminds me of Logic workspaces. Honestly, I never was so enamoured with Spotlight and Dashboard, but I am glad they are getting updated.

    Now it's time for our crack team of Mac rumors sites to find out what's in Steve's sneaky top secret file folder!! I guess those features will be disabled in the Developer Previews? Because NDA or not, SOMEONE would talk about them.

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. Rajini at Cricket Worldcup
  • Rajini at Cricket Worldcup

  • Vantage Point
    Apr 27, 08:15 AM
    So if I lose my iPhone and log into to my account I can see the iphones location and if it is moving. This is a nice feature to find your missing phone and track it - like leaving it in someones car, taxi or train. So I always knew this feature existed and considered it a feature.

    Anyway, remember the gov't is looking for any hook to real in in Apple. They are a shining example of how a company should work - design products that people didn't even know they needed and sell them to a demanding public for nice profit without unions and turn a nice profit. Don't kid yourself on this.

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • DJsteveSD
    Mar 31, 02:59 PM
    you keep using that word� (


    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. CRICKET WORLD CUP 2011 – FINAL

  • skunk
    Apr 28, 11:15 AM
    Excellent, Raid. I'll use that in PRSI. :D

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. Tags: Cricket world cup 2011
  • Tags: Cricket world cup 2011

  • Cygnus311
    Aug 27, 12:04 PM
    Because, just as there are Mac fanboys, there are also Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony fanboys. As much as we'd like to think our platform of choice is clearly the best, in all actually, each one has something unique to offer that the other may lack.

    But that doesn't make Nintendo (or Microsoft or Sony) suck. Fanboys just make themselves suck by being fanboys. :)

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. worldcup cricket final
  • worldcup cricket final

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 3, 01:11 PM
    Fair enough. Now let's move along. ;)
    You guys move on without me, please. I regret that I posted to this thread, because I said I wanted to post about technical topics only. It's best for me to post where I can do plenty of good. So I'll go back to the Mac Programming forum where I won't react emotionally.

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. Cricket World Cup 2011
  • Cricket World Cup 2011

  • appleguy123
    Feb 28, 06:58 PM
    I have no problem being exclusionist to bad ideas like rape and paedophilia

    That's not being exclusionist.
    Rape and paedophilia are bad no matter who does them.
    It would be exclusionist to say:
    "Rape and pedophilia are bad for everyone except for Catholics"
    Oh wait...

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. World Cup Cricket 2011
  • World Cup Cricket 2011

  • macaddicted
    Jul 30, 07:42 PM
    Perhaps I have overstated my case. Intel is shipping Merom chips, but laptops with Merom inside are not expected in retail channels until the end of August--perhaps because of limited supply?

    I hope not. Visions of Motorola hauntingly return.

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. world cup 2011 final cricket
  • world cup 2011 final cricket

  • epitaphic
    Sep 13, 10:53 AM
    What about Tigerton (2007)? Isn't that a "true" quad?

    Intel has two lines of Xeon processors:

    * The 5000 series is DP (dual processor, like Woodcrest, Clovertown)
    * The 7000 series MP (multi processor - eg 4+ processors)

    Tigerton is supposed to be an MP version of Clovertown. Meaning, you can have as many chips as the motherboard supports, and just like Clovertown its an MCM (two processors in one package). 7000's are also about 5-10x the price of 5000's.

    So unless the specs for Tigerton severely change, no point even considering it on a Mac Pro (high end xserve is plausible).

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. stream cricket icc world cup
  • stream cricket icc world cup

  • dougny
    Nov 28, 06:44 PM
    (Did the music companies ask for money for every CD player or Tape Recorder sold? Nope)

    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams. So, Apple makes hundreds of millions off of their back on the itunes site, and a billion off of iPod sales, and they cannot share in the wealth?

    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. cricket world cup final 2011
  • cricket world cup final 2011

  • yac_moda
    Jul 21, 12:39 PM
    Get with the program you guys ...

    ... start think the way APPLE think :eek:

    Apple will NOT release such a HIGH END MACchine without spotlighting a use :eek: :eek:

    Such a most excellent MACchine would be released with Bluray and the computing power would be used to burn to ALL THAT SPACE in human as opposed to GEOLOGICAL time spans :eek: :eek: :eek:

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. Final of ICC Cricket World Cup
  • Final of ICC Cricket World Cup

  • Benjy91
    Mar 31, 02:52 PM
    Please, enlighten us, how does fragmentation bite Android's ass when it is the #1 smartphone OS. Regardless what you think, Android and iOS are by far the most successful OS in the last 5 years.

    How is it biting them in the ass? Android is the fastest growing OS with a larger share than IOS. I think it's been a very succesfull strategy.

    I never said it's already got them, I said it would get them eventually, and now Google has seen this, and is now tightening control.

    And how it will 'bite them in the ass' is with the user experience, users seeing apps on the Android Marketplace, but the app doesnt support their phone, or requires features their phone doesnt support, or their phone doesnt quite have the power to run it. Could crash their phone etc.

    Their strategy ensured short-term gain, but problems later on.

    Apple wont run into problems with iOS Fragmentation for a long time yet. And they can easily avoid these issues by officially not supporting older devices and preventing them accessing apps they cant run.

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. World Cup final 2011 Full
  • World Cup final 2011 Full

  • GenesisST
    Mar 31, 04:00 PM
    Can't we just all get along?:-)

    The pissing contest continues taking on comical character.

    As an iphone user I have a great device that does what I want it to do. The least of that is actually making phone calls.
    It's beautifully integrated with all my Apple stuff.

    The Android users have their iphone and ios copy phones. (Hello Mr. Schmidt, nice stealing)
    If the Androids and Windoof phones do what their consumers need them to do be happy.

    Why would I even care if open or closed. I have no personal advantages if Mr. Rubin has to eat his words or they make changes. Technology is ever evolving.
    As a famous politician once said: What do I care about what I said yesterday?

    May the better product win, copy and all. If the iphone starts to suck and there are better alternatives for me, I'll switch and so will plenty of others.
    Same the other way around.

    Objectivity, here? It's like thinking in church... BLASPHEMY!

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. Cricket World Cup Highlights
  • Cricket World Cup Highlights

  • brayhite
    Apr 25, 01:59 PM
    I'm not from the US so if someone with some legal background over there could point out to me how this would work..? Where I'm from you have to have suffered damages in order to sue someone, otherwise a government regulator would just impose a fine on the company or require them to stop what they are doing..? How have these people (who are suing apple) suffered losses as a result of this apparent spying technology..?

    IANAL, but AFAIK, here in America, having rights infringed upon is reason for sueing. That, in itself, is a "damage". Hence why Apple is being sued. They apparently are infringing upon the consumers' rights to privacy.

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. World+cup+cricket+final+
  • World+cup+cricket+final+

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 10:38 AM
    Paris would be an excellent opportunity to introduce the "iPhone".

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. img 30386 world cup cricket
  • img 30386 world cup cricket

  • Unspeaked
    Nov 29, 11:01 AM
    To those saying they'll boycott, I'd just like to point out...

    ...Universal is by far the largest record label in the world, and those of you that say you don't listen to anyone of their artists might need to dig deeper into their subsidiaries, as just a few of the musicians in their stable are:

    The Carpenters
    Jimi Hendrix
    Carole King
    Andrea Bocell
    Four Tops
    Lionel Richie
    Cat Stevens
    The Jackson 5
    The Andrews Sisters

    world cup cricket final 2011 photos. Cricket World Cup 2011
  • Cricket World Cup 2011

  • meanmusic
    Aug 27, 10:33 PM
    Core 2 Duo is here. Looks like Toshiba is first out of the gate with Core 2 Duo laptops:

    Aug 6, 01:41 AM
    EVERYONE is missing something that MUST be updated A.S.A.P.!

    AirPort Base Stations!

    Express and especially the Extreme. The Extreme is YEARS old!!
    :eek: :eek:

    I would hope for MIMO at least. Perhaps a Pre-N with flash upgrade possibilities for later when the standard is finalised.

    Mar 5, 09:38 AM
    Even if every single homosexual on Earth decided not to raise a child (which is far from the truth), we do not all have to make/raise babies to propagate the species.

    Quite true about 'continuation', but economic models probably require that we do, in order to keep the pyramid growing at the base.

    Nov 28, 07:54 PM
    Jobs should walk into negotiations with the attitude of - "We would like more of a royalty for every song sold because if we didn't sell them on iTunes, people would simply download them illegally."

    "...And if you don't adhere to this, we will stop selling Universal music and this is exactly what will happen."

    Apple may be out 20 cents a song, but people will still buy iPods.

    Think how much Universal will be losing.

    Jul 20, 11:28 AM
    Not quite the first. Sun has been shipping a commercial 8-core systems for about a year now.
    Yes. This is their UltraSPARC T1 ( chip.
    The T2000 has all 8 cores on one chip but each core also does four-way hyper threading so they claim 32 hardware threads.
    The T1 chip ships in several different configurations. 4-, 6- and 8-cores, at 1.0 or 1.2GHz. All sporting 4 threads per core.
    The price for an 8-core T1000 is about $8K.
    While this is their least expensive 8-core box, you should point out (for the benefit of everyone else reading this message) that the price is not just for the CPU. It's for a high-end server that includes 8G of RAM, 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports, remote management software, Java Enterprise, and Solaris 10. All in a 1U-high rack chassis.
    A system with 8 cores and 8GB RAM burns about 250W.
    You are being very misleading here. According to Sun's spec sheet (, it has a 300W power supply. Peak power consumption for the entire system is 220W, and typical consumption is 180W.

    But those are for the entire system. Sun's page on the UltraSPARC T1 ( processor itself says that the CPU (in its 32-thread configuration) consumes 72W. The rest of that power consumption is from parts other than the CPU.

    It's also worth noting Intel's Xeon spec sheet (, which lists the fastest chips as consuming 130W for the CPU package alone! And that is with only four threads (two cores with 2-way hyperthreading.) I can guarantee you that a system based on one of these will have peak power consumption far greater than 220W.

    Apr 6, 11:56 AM
    I have something better than a MacBook Air. It's called an iPad 2.

    Let me know when it can run CS5 (in a pinch) and I'm in

    Until then, I'm waiting for a back-lit key board and a faster processor (yah, I know learn how to type, yada-yada. I've been at this long enough that if you could type you became a "typesetter")

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