Late Night: Elizabeth Banks makes Chelsea Handler's dreams come true
Los Angeles Times -
If you've never confused Chelsea Handler and actress Elizabeth Banks, it's not too late to start. (No matter that funnyman Chris Rock and a bunch of ...
Elizabeth Banks Talks Impersonating Chelsea Handler (VIDEO) Huffington PostElizabeth Banks Talks Impersonating Chelsea Handler (VIDEO) PopBytes (blog)
Elizabeth Banks talks Hunger Games -
Elizabeth Banks talks with Access Hollywood about her role in the upcoming film “The Hunger Games” stars Liam Hemsworth, Jennifer Lawrence, Elizabeth Banks, ...
Jennifer Lawrence Turns 21, Appears in New 'Hunger Games' Photo The InquisitrHunger Games movie may be the next Twilight Times of India

Elizabeth Banks tells US chat show about the first time she `made ...
Monsters and - Hayley Coyle -
Actress Elizabeth Banks told a US chat show how the first time she 'made out' with Paul Rudd she had to stand on an ...
Elizabeth Banks: Motherhood Will Not Stop Me from Acting
People Magazine - Jason Merritt - Aug 8, 2011
Elizabeth Banks admits she's balancing her career and being a new mom to son Felix “not that well,” but regardless, she isn't planning to slow down anytime ...
New mom Elizabeth Banks won't take a break San Francisco Chronicle (blog)Elizabeth Banks struggling with baby and work Sydney Morning Herald
Elizabeth Banks doesn`t plan to slow down on work now she`s a mum Monsters and
Elizabeth Banks Talks Stepping Into Her 'Hunger Games' Role
Celebuzz - Effie Trinket - Aug 9, 2011
Hunger Games doesn't hit theaters until March 2012 (with its sequel dropping in November 2013), but Elizabeth Banks is already talking about her role as the ...
Elizabeth Banks on Her Roles in The Hunger Games, Our Idiot ... New York MagazineElizabeth Banks “Giddy” Over Insane Hunger Games Costumes The FABlife
Elizabeth Banks Dishes 'Hunger Games' Details PopBytes (blog)
New 'Hunger Games' Photos; Elizabeth Banks Offers Filming Update
Screen Rant - Sandy Schaefer - Aug 8, 2011
In addition, Elizabeth Banks offers a production update on the highly-anticipated literary adaptation. [UPDATE: Lionsgate has settled on a release date for ...
Elizabeth Banks says fans will love 'The Hunger Games' movie Examiner.comEXCL: Elizabeth Banks Talks The Hunger Games
Is 'The Hunger Games' Star Elizabeth Banks Team Peeta Or Team Gale? Peace FM Online
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