Wednesday 11 May 2011

lara logan assault pics

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 24, 07:06 PM
    "When they express their moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature ... they are stigmatised, and worse -- they are vilified, and prosecuted.

    "These attacks are violations of fundamental human rights and cannot be justified under any circumstances," Tomasi said.

    As soon as they quit trying to legislate and force their beliefs on the rest of us, the sooner they will be left alone to wallow in their archaic beliefs.

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  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 12:05 PM
    This book says there is an invisible man in the sky who made the earth. We know this because the invisible man wrote the book. He listens to you but doesn't answer. If you do as he says you go to a wonderful afterlife, but if you don't you go to a horrible one.

    If you do what he says? That's not enough - what have you learned? Salvation lies in sola fide, i.e. faith alone according to Luther. That is, faith in Jesus as the Saviour of the world. Protestants can do what they want and still go to Heaven. And if you're Catholic, you need to do good deeds and have faith in God - you can't get around the latter.

    So - what happens to those who live a pious life and die without ever hearing about Jesus? According to my Christian teachers, those would go to hell. Those who grow up in totalitarian regimes where religion is banned, such as North Korea, will thus go from one instance of hell to another because they don't fulfill the requirements for salvation. Sounded quite self-righteous to me, but I cut the Christians some slack on that point anyway.

    But what about the Jews? "Yes what about them?" They don't believe in Jesus as the world's Saviour either - not even today. "Oh, they are under some special set of rules so they will go to Heaven anyway." Yeah, right... The more I knew about Christians, the less I understood them. That's when I realised that something was fundamentally wrong (no pun intended).

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  • Dagless
    Apr 9, 05:10 AM
    Say that about games like Final Fantasy III, Aralon, or even NOVA 2. Try finishing any of these games while on one sitting at the toilet. :eek:
    There are some gems. However it goes without saying that FF3 is a port from a DS game, which is a remake of a NES game. Aralon and NOVA 2 are quite cheap in their quality, neither matching the games they're trying to clone.

    Nope, obviously the biggest screen you have is your ipad. The console gaming experience is nothing like the mind numbing games which make the bulk of the App store. Sure there are maybe 20 games that have anything like the look of a console, but touch is no replacement for tactile feedback. Take a peek: Appshopper (
    This is true. I mean, I don't know what kind of gamer I am. I have all the consoles (inc Mac and PC), all the major games, all the games that I've ever been vaguely interested in. I love Team Fortress 2, GTA (barring 4), Pokemon, Mario, HALO 1, Left 4 Dead, Final Fantasy. I bought an iPod touch 4G just for gaming and portable internetting.

    So hopefully that quickly gets across what kind of gamer I am; I enjoy games regardless of their manufacturer and developer.

    But. There's just something not right with the iPod for gaming. It's got the tech and some good software. I bought around 60 games for it, I have 20-30 for my PSP and DS respectively bought over the course of 6 years. Yet at night when I'm winding down I don't play the iPod - I go to the dedicated consoles. Maybe it's the tactile controls, maybe it's the better speakers, higher quality of games. But something pulls me away from iOS. On-screen butts are not a good way of controlling a game, it's just a reminder that buttons work (for most game genres).

    I had to lol at the person who brought up gaming in queues at Costco. That's when I whip out my iPod for a bit of Angry Birds (unlocked the 4 hour achievement last time I played!). :D

    You mean you actually do something productive with your life, and not spend all your resources playing... a game.

    Be proud of this.
    So I guess you don't watch movies, TV shows, go to the pub/bar, visit museums or browse the inte...
    Hmmm ;)
    What's it like doing nothing but productivity all day? I tried that for around a year. It brought me really bad RSI and I completely burnt myself out. Not a fun way to live.

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  • ET007
    Mar 18, 02:48 PM
    Just because a company makes you sign their TOS, it does not make the TOS a Holy Grail law. TOS are only written in the best interest of a company and they are very often faulty.

    Unfortunately in some countries, people forget to use common sense and reasoning and take everything the way it is BECAUSE it was written in the TOS, as so many people keep quoting in this forum.There is no such thing as a perfect TOS and even if you sign it, it does not mean you cannot challenge it.

    Just because the TOS says so and you sign it, it does not make it right or the law. If it did, a lot of legal professionals would be unemployed and a lot of average Joes/Janes would be in jail.

    AT&T is in the business to make money. They will take whatever they can get and however they can get it. AT&T is just as unethical as ......(you get to fill in the blanks ;)). It is up to the consumer to challenge AT&T's faulty TOS instead of just being passive, quoting and accepting it. It is amazing and worrisome how accepting some people are in this forum. I guess they do not teach critical thinking anymore in schools and/or colleges.

    The sad part is that big companies are in bed with the politicians (republicans and democrats in the US) so the government will never step in to protect the interest of consumers.:mad:

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  • DeathChill
    Apr 20, 09:18 PM
    I don't. I just don't have OS/X. I just assumed that OS/X might not have it since some OS/X users here were confused about Windows hiding system files. :)

    So wait, you don't own a Mac or an iDevice but you post here constantly?

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  • cybaster
    Mar 18, 10:31 AM
    I don't think it is a bad thing for AT+T to prevent people from tethering to a laptop on an unlimited cell phone plan. Those people are just taking advantage of the system, and wasting bandwidth that the rest of us could use.

    As far as I'm concerned it is the same as going to an all you can eat restaurant and sharing your food between two people, while only paying for one. It isn't a serious crime, but it is stealing, and you know that if you get caught you will have to stop. I'm not going to feel bad for these people that are using 5+GB per month.

    Wait hold on.... Sharing food is illegal?

    They can detect in a lot of way, for instance since you can't use flash on an iphone or iPad, if they see lots of flash stuff they you are probably tethering, also certain popular sites detect mobile devices and send the mobile version of the site if you are loading the full versions of those sites they could detect tethering, these are only a couple of simple things but there are plenty more, so I don't think this is going to be limited to the latest iOS.

    Just my thought on the matter.

    Way too much effort in sniffing the HTTP response just to find "flash" content to incriminate you for violating their terms of use (note i didn't say 'illegal')

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  • Spectrum
    Aug 29, 06:07 PM
    You know what I hate about crap like this?

    People read it, and then point their respective (washed in soap with chemical additives and toxins) fingers at Appple, because it makes them feel good. "Yeah, this Apple stuff is crap!"

    Then they go drive a block down the street to get milk from a cow who's waste runoff pollutes the local river, sit down and watch their TV with power generated from a coal-spewing power plant while eating dinner from plastic packaging that came from oil that was refined at a plant that contaminates the environment.

    Unless you live on an uninhabited island, catch all your own food and generate your own power, you have no room to talk. None of us do.
    I understand your sentiment, but really, there are options. If people don't take them they are just being lazy/irresponsible.

    How about starting by:
    Buying biodegradable washing liquids/toiletries
    Walking to get the milk.
    Buying Organic.
    Buying your electricity from a vendor that sells renewable energy.
    Not buying pre-packaged foods.
    Refusing to have what you do buy to be double bagged, thank-you-very-much.
    Even - shock horror - take your own bag. Try one of these (

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  • snoopy07
    May 5, 02:49 PM
    Until at&t gets competition from other provider with the iphone things won�t change. Right now if you want the iphone in the US its at&t or jailbrake it to t-mobile. At&t won�t care because if you want the iphone you need them, but with other carriers it will be different. They will have to maintain a great network and service or will take our iphone to the other carrier. This competition is needed and it�s the only way we the customers will get what we need.


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  • jmcrutch
    Mar 18, 08:35 AM
    This thread just shows that there are plenty of people in the world who think in self-centric ways - "I don't agree with this and I won't follow it - contract be damned."

    Happens everyday - people speed on the highways because they feel that it's their car and they should be able to do whatever they want - they support their speeding by saying that studies show the speed limits are merely to provide revenue streams to municipal gov'ts.

    Re: Napster and Limewire ... just delete and replace with things like Demonoid and ThePirateBay and it's all still relevant. The fact that someone isn't aware of the newer piracy sites just means that they've probably steered torwards legitimate pay sites like the rest of the community.

    But hey, if we all played by the rules, I guess the U.K. flag would still be flying over our land as we would not have objected to the taxation without representation (whether the SS flag would have eventually superseded it is a different question - the might of this North American body would probably still have been sufficient regardless which flag, the Stars and Stripes or the Union Jack flew).

    happy day to all!

    [For the record, I think charging extra for tethering is unfair - but charging exorbitant rates for SMS is also unfair --- make that "was" also unfair, since there are plenty of cheaper methods now than using the carrier - hopefully the same will happen with tethering).

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  • paul4339
    Apr 28, 11:04 AM
    However the iPad is not a pc, so this report is a bit on the Apple side here.

    I see where you are coming from, but these reports has nothing to do what you or I or MR thinks whether the iPad is *technically* a pc ... the reports are used to communicate to an audience interested in understanding where the market is heading so that they can make more money.

    These are sales/shipment reports. The reason why the iPad is grouped in is because they compete for the same consumer dollar pool and execs from companies want to understand the direction of market and where the money is going.

    If anything there's any criticism, I would like to see a consumer vs enterprise breakdown (since they have different dollar pools).

    Also, I think the reason why 'Apple slipped' is because Calendar Q4 quarter is the holiday season and usually consumer electronics sales surges and unlike HP/Dell (who sell alot to enterprise), Apple sell mostly to consumers electronics market.


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  • Umbongo
    Sep 26, 09:41 AM
    Anyone know the current price of each 2.66GHz Woodcrest? I just got up and am too lazy to Google yet.

    At $851 seems like the 2.33GHz Clovertown is not all thaat expensive.


    Intel Clovertown Xeon Processor

    X5355 2.66GHz 1333MHz 8MB $1172
    E5345 2.33GHz 1333MHz 8MB $851
    E5320 1.86GHz 1066MHz 8MB $690
    E5310 1.60GHz 1066MHz 8MB $455

    per / 1000 cpu purchased



    Here is the current price of Woodcrest...

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  • acslater017
    Apr 15, 10:50 AM
    I have a couple problems with this approach. There's so much attention brought to this issue of specifically gay bullying that it's hard to see this outside of the framework of identity politics.

    Where's the videos and support for fat kids being bullied? Aren't they suicidal, too, or are we saying here that gays have a particular emotional defect and weakness? They're not strong enough to tough this out? Is that the image the gay community wants to promote?

    Man, being a fat kid in high school. That was rough. There were a number of cool, popular gay guys in my school. I'm sure they took some crap from some people, but oh how I would have rather been one of them! But hey, I'm still here, I'm still alive.

    Bullying is a universal problem that affects just about anyone with some kind of difference others choose to pick on. It seems like everyone is just ignoring all that for this hip, trendy cause.

    There's nothing wrong with focusing on a particular issue. The Japan tsunami is not the only suffering going on in the world, but people raise money and raise awareness about it cuz it wouldn't make sense to rally around "fix everything".

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  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 04:32 PM
    In the EU there will soon be WEEE directive that governs the disposal of so called "E-waste" (televisions, computers, phones, etc), that will seriously affect manufacturers and retailers. So will Apple continue along their current trend of simply not selling products in these territories or will they redesign them? Because, eventually these sorts of laws will be passed all around the world, including the US.

    Apple needs to abide by the laws of whatever country it sells products in (I know, I ended with a preposition, I'm tired). In order to survive, Apple will need to adapt along with changine environmental law....I'm certainly not suggesting that Apple break the law.

    I'm only saying that as of right now, Apple's not actually doing anything legally wrong.

    EDIT: And as far as being "proactive," Apple is somewhat bound by its suppliers, at least in a manufacturing sense. Batteries from Sony, processors from Motorola, IBM and Intel, hard drives from Toshiba, etc.

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  • Peterkro
    Mar 14, 11:06 AM
    EDIT: Here's a FANTASTIC read on Fukushima:

    Yes that is a good article although pro-nuclear.I originally was flummoxed by the bit about bringing in portable generators and not being able to use them because the connecting plugs were different,this apparently is not the case it's that the switchgear is in a room that is flooded with radioactive water and they can't get rid of the water.I've quoted this guy before and whether he has an axe to grind or not he is not as confident in the plant as others seem to be:

    "Japanese engineer Masashi Goto, who helped design the containment vessel for Fukushima's reactor core, says the design was not enough to withstand earthquakes or tsunamis and the plant's builders, Toshiba, knew this."

    Here's another article from the NYT which may be useful:

    I think it's to early to make any judgements about what's happening.

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  • Porchland
    Mar 18, 03:06 PM
    In interviews Steve Jobs has gone on record saying that unbreakable DRM is impossible. What you're seeing from Apple is a "good enough" strategy. After all, they don't really care, it's only there to appease the RIAA.


    Apple will make another "good enough" fix to block it for another 6 months. But they really don't care. Although externally they "care", I bet internally it doesn't particularly bother them because ITMS is so big that the record companies can't afford to pull out of it.

    Suggesting that Apple isn't concerned about DRM any further than needed to appease the record labels is ridiculous. Apple doesn't care about the integrity of its business model unless the RIAA is on on its back?

    That's like saying Honda doesn't care whether its airbags deploy correctly unless the airbag contract is on its back. A defective product -- whether it's an iTMS track without DRM or a Honda with bad airbags -- isn't good for the manufacturer. Apple needs for its DRM to be good to protect its OWN future revenues through iTMS -- not just the record labels' profits.

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  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 12:09 PM
    Right, because civil marriage is required for gays to have sex with each other. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can have sex with whomever you want to.

    We're talking about gay Catholics here, who ostensibly value being Catholic more than they value satisfying their sexual desires in a manner compatible with their sexuality. There is no theocratic regime forcing them to live as Catholics in good standing - it is a personal lifestyle choice, if you will.

    I absolutely agree with you; there is no compulsion for anyone to be Catholic (well, that's not strictly true, since people are often forced to accept Catholicism as children, before they are capable of making the decision for themselves).

    But that doesn't in any way imply that the position of the Catholic church on this issue (and so, so, so many others) isn't hateful and discriminatory.

    Tell me again: do condoms help prevent the spread of HIV (, or do they actually cause the spread of HIV ( Which was it? I can't recall.

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  • PlipPlop
    Apr 21, 02:05 AM
    In other news Steve Jobs still scared of the pure domination of Android in the smartphone market.

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  • carmenodie
    Oct 7, 12:02 PM
    You notice that Google's stock is way up! As of this writing it is now trading at $507.29 a share and it is 10-7-09 and 12:56pm. Look, Android is going into all these phones like a who** not b/c it is some supper grand OS but to get Google's share prices up. And believe me it will be ad laced up the a**.

    So, is this god news for consumers? Hell no!
    It is good news for wall street and stock holders.
    Android=lots of ads to plague you with.

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  • MacinDoc
    Apr 12, 10:51 PM
    So this is basically a jazzed up Final Cut Express and the pros have been shown the door. Why am I not shocked about this. :mad:

    Someday I'll tell my kids that Apple was the company for pros to which they will laugh in disbelief; kind of how I do now when old people tell me that American cars were once high quality.
    So exactly what "pro" features were removed with this release?

    Sep 21, 03:26 AM
    airport express and airtunes allowed streaming content to a stereo. this just adds video function. that's it. if there is a hd it's for buffer and basic OS/ navigation.

    still a very cool solution to sending content

    Don't panic
    Mar 14, 05:10 PM
    I believe that massive solar energy farms in the Sahara and other deserts, servicing whole landmasses, like the EU proposal, is the way to go. If the price goes up to pay for the infrastructure, the rationing effect can only be a good thing. Safety, certainly, is hardly an issue.

    that could be one way to go, another would be having sun/wind farms in the middle of the ocean, to be moved out of the way when weather comes along.

    one problem with this off-site approaches is that you still have to transfer the energy long distance

    Jul 7, 12:47 PM
    I've had a good experience with the new phone as well. With the 3G and 3GS, I was never, in two years, able to hold a call longer than 5 minutes before it was dropped. Seriously, not even one. Once I bought cases for the new phone and eliminated the antenna problem, I've held conversations over half an hour and then ended when I ended them, not when they were dropped, and data is at least 50% faster than it had been with previous phones. Same story with my son's new iPhone. I may still buy a repeater because I still get one bar and pitiful data speeds, but at least the phone can finally be used as a phone.

    Per AT&T...on pre-order day I went to the local AT&T store to place my order and, as expected, it was complete bedlam. I put my name on the list and waited in line and was eventually called to the counter by "Troy" who took my order for two new phones, writing everything down and swiping the plastic thru the old fashioned imprint thing and everything. He told me that at some point AT&T was going to shut down the online store entirely so they could enter their orders, he'd get them in as soon as he could and sure enough, later that evening I received two emails, one per order entered. He also said that I wouldn't be sorry, the new phones were supposed to have much better reception. Fast forward a bit and I get a text message from Troy telling me that my phones had arrived and I could come in at any time to pick them up. So I go into the AT&T store and, once again, it's total bedlam. As Troy activates my phone, some idiot standing next to me is so mad that he can't just buy an iPhone that he slams his iPad on the counter so hard it breaks. I couldn't help it and laughed out loud and he stormed out. That's what kind of idiocy these people had to put up with. All done, both phones work and then Troy tells me that it was like pulling teeth but he got my 3rd line to be eligible, also. I had broken an iPhone six months ago and got an OOW replacement so it wasn't eligible for an upgrade. Somehow he managed to pull it off and did I want to get a new iPhone for that one, also. You bet! He'll shoot me a text message when it arrives.

    About 20 minutes later I realized the phone had a problem with the antenna and needed a case. For some odd reason, a senior moment I guess, I went to the Apple store where I was greeted by two armed police and some girl who had attitude coming off of her like heat off a black sedan in summer. "What do YOU want?" she spat, never looking away from her oh-so-important iPad screen that never changed. I told her I bought a couple new iPhones and needed cases for them. "We don't have any" and that was the end of the "conversation". No suggesting I ask someone who wasn't an a**hole, no suggesting trying AT&T, nothing. So I walked the extra 100 feet to AT&T where a woman who wasn't busy being yelled at led me to a drawer full of cases, let me grab a couple and even open one to make sure I liked the look and so on. Later, when the AT&T surveys came, I made sure to give Troy and that woman the highest scores available.

    So it depends on who you deal with. The folks at AT&T couldn't have been more pleasant and the whole thing couldn't have gone easier despite the circus going on around them. And I will never set foot in an Apple store again. They are the definition of needless, bulls**t arrogance. If my Macbook Pro, either Macbook, iMac, iPad or any of the 5 iPhones I own ever need serviced, I'll call and ask them to send a box rather than deal with that mall trash again.

    May 2, 01:38 PM
    That's what I'd like to know. I can't even open HTML pages downloaded from my own website without OS X warning me before opening it, and yet this story makes it sound as if the file contained in the zip is somehow launching on its own without any user notification. Sounds like BS to me. What is the source for this?

    It decompressed the zip file and executes code to launch an installer. This is considered a safe action because the user still has to continue to run the installer.

    Installation of MacDefender via the installer requires password authentication by the user.

    Oct 7, 06:44 PM
    And how does carrier matter at all in your argument. Sorry but that entire augment there has no meaning in this debate.

    You were arguing in your little list that having to jailbreak their iphone is gonna make users want to migrate to Android phones. Jailbreaking is basically hacking and phones are hacked because functionality is crippled. I'm pointing out that Android phones can have the same problem, especially if they come out on carriers such as Verizon, which goes further and also cripples hw features iPhone users take for granted.

    The iPhone platform has some significant variations. Location precision (lack of GPS), microphone or speaker existence on the touch, existence of MMS, CPU speed between models, amount of RAM (a potentially big problem for game makers).

    The context isn't how many variables exist but how many variables devs have to deal with. iPhone app developers have to deal with much less than developers on decentralized hardware platforms. WM developers have several different OEM's to deal with as well as all their models and generations thereof. If you can't see how the complexity translates into a harder development process, I don't know what to tell you.

    Really. Do you have an example of an app bricking a WM phone

    I had a couple apps brick my i730 back when I was on Verizon. I ended up having to hard reset and resync all my contacts.

    Verizon doesn't cripple their smartphones. Even their GPS is unlocked now

    the folks at the Verizon forums disagree with you

    So you admit that it's hobbled in its stock form? ATT / Verizon / Sprint don't block any apps you want to use on their smartphones. Or themes. Or anyt

    First most phones I've seen are hobbled in its stock form, not just the iPhone. But personally I think the quality of the iPhone and all the other things the design engineers got right outweighs the fact I have to jailbreak it to put a 5x5 matrix of icons on my screen out the box.

    I hate AT&T service here in LA and I hate the fact I can't tether but I put up with it because it's such a good phone. I don't care that Android or Sprint doesn't screen apps because to take advantage of that, at this point in time I'd have to downgrade to a shttier phone and go to an app store that has less than 25% of the apps Apple does, and ironically, because they don't screen, more of them suck

    The iPhone's Bluetooth was crippled to begin with... and still is. The original iPhone will always lack GPS

    Crippled means the hw is functional but was disabled by the carrier or MFGer. An iPhone that wasn't designed with a GPS chip is not crippled. An iPhone having a fullly functional GPS chip that won't work without purchasing Telenav is crippled.

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