Wednesday 11 May 2011

six flags new england new ride

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  • TheQuestion
    Mar 26, 12:22 AM
    Can't believe it's anywhere near GM time. Way too many bugs and inconsistencies in behavior. New networking tools in Server have to be implemented now that SMB is being canned - that's not a minor addition. Calling it a release candidate is a stretch, but calling it GM is just plain crazy.

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags Skydiving Ride
  • Six Flags Skydiving Ride

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 12, 02:35 AM
    I know they are fundamentally two different types of games in a similar genre, but he brought up the sales of the series, so I offered up another racing game series with much higher sales.

    similar genre given racing, but one is a simulator - the other is, a bit more fictional (in a sense).

    but anyway, thats a technicality. no doubt that NFS seems to be higher grossing and more popular, as GT targets a pretty acute market. i wonder if GT5 will change that at all.

    six flags new england new ride. Park: Six Flags New England
  • Park: Six Flags New England

  • Moyank24
    Feb 28, 09:02 PM
    We all have our crosses to bear. Ultimately it is up to the homosexual to sin or not

    What does my post have to do with cinema excellence?

    default: a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer.
    Unless influenced otherwise the brain develops heterosexually

    Yeah, I know what default means. Your explanation has to be one of the most ridiculous I have encountered. Thanks for the laugh.

    Though, i do have to wonder. What do you think "influcenes" the brain that may cause homosexuality?

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags New England#39;s
  • Six Flags New England#39;s

  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 11, 10:08 AM


    My dad is gonna get one as soon as it comes out.

    I hope it looks NOTHING like the mock ups we have seen.

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags New England
  • Six Flags New England

  • Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 6, 10:24 PM
    And you obvioulsy don't understand what a GPGPU API is for. What good is running code through an API whose purpose is to offload your CPU by using ... your CPU.

    See, that is exactly not the purpose of OpenCL. OpenCL can also use specialized DSPs, if someone writes a compiler for them. OpenCL is GPU-independent, which is a problem, if you want to optimize your OpenCL-code for a specific GPU.

    If you really need the power of a GPU you could use CUDA and/or STREAM (the standards in the past 4 years). Most computer science labs use CUDA. No one needs OpenCL at the moment, because the solutions which work are based on CUDA and/or STREAM, not OpenCL.

    This will change a bit in the next ten years, but the hardware-dependent languages CUDA/STREAM will never be replaced by OpenCL, at least not for high performance applications, which require direct GPU-access.

    OpenCL is like C, you can use on CPUs, GPUs and DSPs.

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags New England
  • Six Flags New England

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 15, 10:59 AM
    Well I wouldnt worry about that in the case of a mac. Only people who are really going to replace there PSU are going to be people who know something about computers. A lot of people replace there ram. PSU are not upgraded very offen if ever at all.

    Also the people who do replace PSU most of them know dont cheap out on them. Among home builder comminty a thing most agree on is NEVER cheap out on a PSU. Go name brand. Reason being is why would you build a 1k system and then risk it all with a cheap PSU (rule can be cut if pretty much using dirt cheap parts to begin with and trying to go as cheaply as possible (less than 500 and in old spare parts). My own PC rig using an Antec True Power PSU in it (that i pick up from compUSA oddly enough).

    I think going ATX is a good thing because it means Apple is going to be using more standardized parts so it will be cheaper for apple to get them.

    And another good point! ;) Yeah, you would hope that if someone is replacing their PSU they know what they're doing... it is different from a Joe User simply installing some RAM.

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags New England Theme
  • Six Flags New England Theme

  • fithian
    Apr 8, 07:55 AM
    Just for entertainment, go to a Worst Buy and sidle up to a sales guy giving his pitch to an unsuspecting victim. I only ever go there to see a model in person before ordering online or elsewhere. I do purchase items at local stores who respect the customer and don't tell blatant lies about the products.

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags, New England,
  • Six Flags, New England,

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 23, 04:03 PM
    Is it your position that Libya represents a larger danger to American assets/security than Iraq?

    American assets and security are deeply entwined with Nato. An emboldened Gaddafi would encourage the continued use of repression across the region, thus destabilising it even more. He would also probably renew his threats towards the West, bearing in mind the downing of Pan Am Flight 103. Gaddafi was also actively and genuinely pursuing weapons of mass destruction until the Gulf War bought him to heel.

    These are just a few reasons that immediately come to mind from someone with only a surface reading of media that aren't parroting the conservative line, you should try it some time. I'm sure those who know more about the geopolitics of the region can outline more...

    Why you keep on referring to Iraq when the scale of action in scope of resources and time isn't remotely on the size of the Iraq invasion, is a complete mystery. If you're attempting to make this Obama's 'Iraq' folly, then you will fail. This will be off the front pages of US papers in terms of US engagement within a week or two.

    As for asking why not North Korea, I'm staggered you could even make a nonsensical comparison. A nuclear-armed nation bordering China?

    "It is in America’s national interests to participate . . . because no one has a bigger stake in making sure that there are basic rules of the road that are observed, that there is some semblance of order and justice, particularly in a volatile region that’s going through great changes," Obama said

    Translated: Above all, we want an arc of governmental and societal stability from North Africa to Afghanistan in order to protect oil supplies and our commitments to Israel.

    What I personally expect is people to stand on principles, and not on parties. What I expect is that people live their lives in a honorable way and present a consistent philosophy.

    Even though that philosophy might be bereft of any factual basis? You have an important lesson in life ahead of you:

    When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags New England
  • Six Flags New England

  • SevenInchScrew
    Dec 7, 11:08 AM
    Does GT5 support using the clutch pedal in a wheel such as the G25? I was disappointed with GT5:P that you can't use it...
    But, you COULD use the clutch in GT5:P. When the race starts, hit Triangle and the clutch works. You had to do this every race, so it wasn't the most elegant of solutions, but it did work.

    six flags new england new ride. Day 10 - Six Flags New England
  • Day 10 - Six Flags New England

  • CFreymarc
    Apr 6, 04:18 PM
    Oh yeah, well just wait until people find out iOS is a closed system and the Xoom uses Android which is open....

    oh nevermind :D

    "Hey babe, I just relinked the kernal of my tablet." is a line that really doesn't work.

    "My girl, pet this." (iFur app runs on iPad) Yup iPads get you laid.

    six flags new england new ride. Testing video of catapult the new ride at Six Flags New ENgland
  • Testing video of catapult the new ride at Six Flags New ENgland

  • Zadillo
    Aug 27, 05:28 PM
    I see where you're coming from.

    So does this mean there will be no Powerbook G5s next tuesday?

    Hey, you never know.... ;)

    six flags new england new ride. Park: Six Flags New England
  • Park: Six Flags New England

  • raymondso
    Sep 19, 10:24 AM
    35 mins til 9......the apple store is still healthy product update unlikely to happen :(

    six flags new england new ride. (El Toro, Six Flags New Jersey
  • (El Toro, Six Flags New Jersey

  • Nuck81
    Sep 1, 08:45 AM
    I'm going to use my $20 credit from Metroid to pre order this...

    six flags new england new ride. (Six Flags New England,
  • (Six Flags New England,

  • Bilbo63
    Apr 20, 09:14 AM
    So you honestly think people will fail to notice the giant Samsung printed on the front of the galaxy S (for example?)

    Its different in size, has different screen different UI, different buttons,...

    As dethmaShine pointed out (correctly in my opinion), it may depend on what phone models you are looking at. Some are extremely close to the iPhone in appearance and design, while others not as much.

    I'd also add that it's very possible that a few different companies were working on similar designs at the same time. Many were released or announced within weeks of each other. It's not like you can rip someone off and release a new design in a couple of weeks. It certainly appears that a few phones shifted to more of an iPhone look and design after the iPhone was announced. I'm not saying that it's necessarily grounds to sue perhaps, it just something that I noticed.

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags New England Fright
  • Six Flags New England Fright

  • PlipPlop
    Apr 6, 03:10 PM
    Shame people are brainwashed by Apple with their crappy product, and the superior tablet is behind on sales. Im sure it will pick up soon.

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags New England Fright
  • Six Flags New England Fright

  • BaldiMac
    Mar 22, 03:38 PM
    The iPad two does have some shortcomings, few of which are worth going to to here. However, the OS of these devices IS crucial and we are beginning to see iOS creaking slightly. In terms of looks and notifications, for me, Apple is lagging. I like how the Playbook looks and potentially, should operate. Will I make a snap judgement? No. I'll try the damn thing first before making a judgement.

    Why are you comparing the Playbook that is coming out this summer to iOS 4? Chances are it will be competing with iOS 5. If you want to be fair and all.

    six flags new england new ride. Pandemonium, Six Flags New England, Springfield, MA
  • Pandemonium, Six Flags New England, Springfield, MA

  • ryanx27
    Aug 27, 11:05 AM
    I happen to have a Yonah Macbook, and im a little concerned.
    I wonder, if merom does make it into the Macbooks did i make a mistake by buying my computer before i had to (as in next friday is the cutoff)
    I wonder if Merom is really that good. *it sucks that macbooks dont have PGA slots*
    well im hoping to sell this one next year, and thatll get me most of the way to my santa rosa beast, cuz i KNOW santa rosa is that good.

    This is the classic existential dilemma of the Mac user :D

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags New England
  • Six Flags New England

  • epitaphic
    Sep 13, 12:47 PM
    Anyone seen this?

    The real architecture changes are coming June then June then June 2012. With derivatives in the years between.

    So Merom(Merom Santa Rosa)/Conroe/Woodcrest(Clovertown) are the end of the road of separate chips. No more mobile/desktop/sever chip... all are the same (should expect mobiles to have the lowest MHz, then desktop, then toping out with server)

    And what's interesting is that each architecture change will be a leap in performance similar to Pentium D to Conroe transition. (source) (

    Screw Tigerton, Penryn's next (probably June 2007)

    six flags new england new ride. Six Flags New England
  • Six Flags New England

  • BC2009
    Mar 22, 07:07 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Ummm.... why does every product have to be an "Apple iDevice Killer"? None have succeeded that yet, though many have been successful as competitors. The Apple jealousy factor is so huge.

    Meanwhile, Apple is drowning in orders and battling light leaks ( in displays. If the quality cannot be improved expeditiously, would-be customers may investigate the competition. :(

    Drowning in orders is a problem? Trying to imagine that. If they sell 2M iPad 2's in March that would be double what they did last year with their runaway success.

    I don't think they are drowning in "light leaks". Mine is fine, and I'm sure most units are. Many many LCDs leak some light on the edge. Certainly the video I saw of this on one particular iPad 2 was extremely pronounced, but I have owned many LCD monitors that leak light to some degree. The outcry is likely because there aren't that many units out there right now so folks are afraid to return it and be without it while waiting for an exchange.

    Anyway, I hope the competition flourishes. Sure Apple is innovating fast and furious right now, but that's because they want to own this market for a long time to come. I don't want them to dominate it so much that they become complacent (though I hope they will have learned from their past in that regard). Just because I prefer to use iPad doesn't mean I think everybody must and should -- to each his own. Obviously I think the iPad is better than the competition, so I bought one. Somebody else's choice to buy a different tablet won't validate or invalidate my choice of an iPad in any way.

    I'm cheering for Apple to produce better products that I am excited to own, but this is not a sporting competition where only one team can win. Eventually there will be 2 to 4 leaders in the tablet space. Samsung and RIM are both trying to ensure their place as one of those leaders (and so is Motorola). I would venture to say that none of them are thinking that they will "kill the iPad" which defined the market they are trying to compete in, but rather each of them wants to be the leading "other option" to an iPad and capture a good chunk of the growing tablet market.

    Sep 13, 12:41 PM
    All the people that just coughed up $3k for a quad core MacPro.
    I'm one of those people who dropped $4K for a quad core MacPro and basically I'm happy that I did. It blows away everything else that is out there today and will be the top performing Mac until 2007. Apple will not be releasing an upgrade to the Mac Pro this year. No matter what anyone says.

    Why you might ask, well they don't need to!

    But what if the competition releases these super fast machines, won't Apple be left behind. No! What OS will these machines be running, Windows XP. One of the things that seperates Apple from everyone else is their OS. They have an OS which takes full advantage (important word is full) of the hardware. It's the big advantage that they have over Dell and HP, they create the software that runs on the computer.

    So if I want to run Final Cut Pro as fast as possible on an optiomized machine, then I'll have to run it on a Mac. Alright, that's a bad example, but in a way it's not, because a lot of the people buying Mac Pros also live in Apple's Pro apps.

    The next new computer we'll see from Apple anytime soon will be the MacBook Pro which will be redesigned (featuring the MacBook's keyboard), upgrades to the MacBook won't happen until January (however Apple may try to get them out in December).

    Apple's goal is to have everything 64-Bit before Leopard is uncaged.

    Chip NoVaMac
    Apr 8, 12:03 AM
    Either way it is DEFINITELY poor customer service. If somebody takes the time to drive down to your store and you have stock that has already been received into the inventory system and could be sold and you turn that customer away because the manager is looking out for his performance rating then you just told your customer that the manager's performance goals and ratings are more important than the people who help you achieve those goals with their hard-earned money.

    Amen there brother!

    In working with a family owned type chain store for the last 12+ years; so happy that we take our lumps when hot products come out. Though I miss the days where it was the yearly performance that mattered the most.

    It is maddening at times at how the bean counters and senior management look at things. All one can hope for is a manager like the one that I have that sees my "numbers" don't reflect the way the accounting is done.

    Apr 8, 03:46 AM
    This is a victory for all the elitist fanboys who think that Apple products should only be sold in Apple Stores in upscale shopping areas.

    You know that no one thinks that way right? I never understood all of these "fanboy" posts saying things that these mysterious "fanyboys" that I've never seen supposedly say.

    Apr 27, 04:41 PM

    Link (

    The evangelical son of one of America's most famous evangelists says that President Barack Obama has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to become part of the US government and influence administration decisions.

    In an interview last week with, a conservative website (that pushes the Obama-was-born-in-Kenya conspiracy theory), [see clarification at the end of the article] Franklin Graham, an evangelist like his father, Billy Graham, claimed that the fundamentalist Islamic political group has burrowed into the Obama administration and is shaping US foreign policy. Sounding a bit like Glenn Beck, Graham explained:

    The Muslim Brotherhood is very strong and active in our country. It's infiltrated every level of our government. Right now we have many of these people that are advising the US military and State Department on how to respond in the Middle East, and it's like asking a fox, like a farmer asking a fox, "How do I protect my henhouse from foxes?" We've brought in Muslims to tell us how to make policy toward Muslim countries. And many of these people we've brought in, I'm afraid, are under the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Apr 19, 02:50 PM
    I had a Casio Personal Diary in the late 80's that had the exact same grid.

    Im not a troll either without Apple I wouldn't have a job.

    Well, I am not saying apple invented the icon grid. :rolleyes:

    I am specifically pointing to the post where you say iOS's icon grid copies PalmOS. Back-tracing?

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